Chapter 19: The Fight and The Flight

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3rd Person's POV:

One week had passed since the couple moved in together. But Y/n still did not know that her lover is about to leave tonight.

"Unnie, why do we have many suitcase in our room?" Asked Y/n. The older girl froze at her spot not knowing what to say.

She decided to tell the truth to the younger one, "J-jagi, I-i'm leaving t-tonight." The younger was shocked at the sudden news.

"What? Why? Why didn't you told me sooner?" Y/n asked, anger and sadness hinting in her voice, "I-I'm sorry, I-I don't want to hurt you-" 

"So that's why you're leaving without me knowing, huh?! Do you think it doesn't hurt, Daehee?!" The older was shocked, also, it was the first time Y/n called her by her name.

She knew that the younger girl is heated as her eyes were furious like a hungry lion that's ready to attack her prey.

"Will you comeback?" Y/n asked, her voice sounded like she was defeated, she couldn't do anything and she knew that.

Her head hanging low, hiding her flowing tears from the older girl, "I-I don't know, m-my parents told me to go there this break. M-mianhae, j-jagiya." With that, Y/n ran as fast as she could. 

Daehee tried to chase her, but Y/n is so fast she could not catch up. She tried calling her but the latter isn't answering her calls.

*Timeskip - 5:00 PM*

Y/n stayed at the park, calming her self, coincidently, Jeongyeon is there, too. She saw Y/n under the tree and decided to approach her.

She sat beside Y/n, "Penny for your thoughts?" The younger flinched and turned her head, "Oh. Hi, unnie." "What are you doing here, alone?"

The latter smiled faintly, "Just clearing up my mind, unnie. Asking myself on how she could keep that a secret from me." "W-who?" Jeongyeon asked, still not sure if she's referring to Daehee.

"It's Daehee." Y/n replied shortly, "She didn't told me that she's leaving tonight." She added. "Come on, I'll take you home." Jeongyeon said trying to convince the younger one.

"I don't want to go yet." Her phone suddenly rang, she saw who was calling her, she looked at Jeongyeon asking with her eyes, wether she should answer it or not. 

The older girl nodded, she picked up the call. "Hello? Jagiya, where are you? I've been looking for you for hours. You're making me worried."

"I'll be back in a few, bye." Daehee felt sad on how her girlfriend talked, "Come on, Y/n. I'll drive you home." 

Y/n told her address and Jeongyeon drove away. The two finally arrived, Y/n hopped off of the car, seeing her lover waiting for her at their front yard.

While Jeongyeon wandered her eyes, fascinated by their simple, yet beautiful house, Daehee quickly ran to her and hugged her tightly. 

"I'm so worried about you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, that I kept a secret. I'm sorry, my jagiya." Y/n felt her clothes getting wet [Not the dirty way alright? I know how you guys think 😉] and she realized that her unnie was crying, she hugged back.

"It's okay, unnie. I forgive you, please, stop crying." Y/n said smiling a bit and wiped her lover's tears.

The two completely forgot that Jeongyeon is with them, but she seemed to enjoy exploring the couple's house.

"Hey, Y/n. I'm going now." Jeongyeon said, already in her car, "Okay, unnie. Thanks for the ride, take care."

"Bye! By the way, your house is beautiful." Jeongyeon said and went  to her, quickly drove off. "Come on, unnie. Let's get ready for your departure." They headed inside and prepared the things they will bring.

*TIMESKIP- 8:00 pm*

Y/n's POV:

"Unnie, let's go! The taxi is here!" I shouted, "Coming!" I went to the taxi and placed her luggage in the trunk. I saw her at our front door looking so beautiful.

'I hope she'll comeback.' That thought quickly changed my mood into a sad one. I opened the car door for her and we went inside.

The drive was silent, I held her hand and rest my head on her shoulder, "I'm going to miss you so much, unnie. Comeback for me, please."

"I will miss you too, and I can't promise you that I'll be back." She replied softly, "I will wait for you, unnie. I know you will comeback for me, I can feel it."

She kissed my forehead. After a while, we arrived at the airport, we searched for a seat and luckily, there's still a vacant bench, we sat down.

"Jagi, what if I can't comeback?" I smiled bitterly, "I don't know, I don't know what I will do." She hugged me, that made me tear up.

"If I can't get back and you can't wait anymore, please, find a better person. A person who can love you more than I can. I don't want you to suffer, please, promise me." "I-i promise, unnie."

Her flight was called, she was about to go but I grab her wrist and pulled her in a kiss, a passionate one and full of love, she kissed back.

"See you soon, unnie. I love you." "See you soon, Y/n. I love you, too." She walked away. I walked out of the airport and grab a taxi.

When I arrived, I quickly went to our room and bawled my eyes out. Soon, I walked out of the room and grab some beer, drinking until I passed out.


Hello, everyone! This is my last update for now, since I need to do many school works, I don't know when I'll be back. But I'll do my best to finish everything quickly and be back here.

Thank you for voting and reading, hope you enjoyed💕💕

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