Chapter 31: Official Date

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Jeongyeon's POV :

   Last night was the best night I ever had, especially when Y/n finally answered me. Today, I planned to go out with her as a couple. "Y/n~ wake up!" "Five more minutes."

 "Come on, get up now~" She continued to sleep, so I decided to carry her, I carried her bridal style and went down.

"Yah! What are you doing?" Jihyo asked and looked at me suspiciously. 

 "Hey! Hey! I won't do anything to her, alright? I will just bring her to the sofa." She stared at me for a while, then left. Crazy. I gently placed Y/n down and waited for her to wake up.

 After a while, she finally got up, "Good morning, love!" I greeted and she blushed, "Good morning." "Get up now and let's eat." I smiled at her, "Why, didn't you eat?"

 "I waited for for you." "You shouldn't have waited for me." "Ehem!"

 We simultaneously turned our heads to the person to the person, "Could you two stop flirting and just get in the kitchen and eat?" Tzuyu deadpanned.

 "Sorry, unnie. Come on, let's eat." She grabbed my hand and dragged me to the kitchen.

I let her sit as I prepare our breakfast, I smiled and served it before eating, "Y/n." I called.

 She hummed in response, "Can we go out for a date?" She looked up at me and smiled, "Of course, that'll be our first date right?" I nodded at her.

 After we ate, we dressed up in a DIFFERENT rooms and went for the door, a voice was suddenly heard, causing us to stop on our tracks.

"Where do you think you are going?" We nervously turned our heads and saw Nayeon unnie.

 "W-we'll just go out for a d-date." She crossed her arms and stared at us with her deadly eyes, I nervously smiled at her.

"Okay, you may go, but be careful and don't be too late." We nodded at her and left, "That was hella scary." "I thought, she wouldn't let us." Y/n said.

We are walking down the street, when I decided to hold her hand, making her flinch, "Sorry." I exclaimed, "It's okay, you could've just told me." She replied and smirked at me.

Where the hell did she got the confidence?! I lifted her hand and placed a soft kiss, making her blush madly.

"D-don't do t-that." I only laughed at her, "Why are you getting flustered?" She glared as I chuckled.

"Okay, fine. Where do you want to go?" She pondered for a bit before answering, "Can we go to my family? I badly miss them and I'll introduce you to them!"

 She smiled at me, while here i am, getting nervous, "Let's go to Namsan Tower first." "Okay!" I grabbed a taxi and went inside with her. 

 Not long after, we arrived at the tower, "I've seen this on the internet and from afar but, it's even wonderful in person." Her eyes sparkled at the sight in front of her, it then landed on the padlocks.

"Jeongyeon, can we?" She looking at me with her puppy eyes, I nodded and bought two heart shaped padlocks.

"Come here, let's put it together." We placed the padlocks together and smiled at each other. 

 "I love you, Yoo Jeongyeon." "I love you too, Choi Y/n. " She then snuggled on the crook of my neck as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

 "Should we go to your family?" "Yep! Can I also have a piggyback ride?" I chuckled and crouched down, she jumped on my back and headed to their house.

Once we reached, she knocked on their door, it opened, revealing her mother, "Y/n? Y/n, I miss you so much sweet heart!" She said while hugging Y/n, "I miss you, too, mom. By the way, this is Jeongyeon." 

"Hello, Jeongyeon! Nice to meet you!" I bowed and greeted, "Hello Mrs. Choi! It's a pleasure to meet you." "You're so respectful, get in, you might catch a cold." 

We went in and Y/n saw her twin and ran towards him, "Oppa, I miss you so much!" She said while hugging her brother, "I miss you, too, Y/n/n-ah. But I think, there's someone who misses you, more than us." Y/n stared at her brother in confusion

Suddenly, a man I his 40's appeared, he walked towards us, to Y/n, to be exact. "F-father?" Y/N asked.

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