Chapter 34: Hangout

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3rd Person's POV:

The girls arrived at the amusement park and excitedly hopped off of the van, "It's been a while since we got here." Jihyo said and the others nodded in agreement.

 "Y/n, we should ride the rollercoaster!" The yoda and the cub said, Y/n was about to speak but got cut off by Sana.

"No! Y/n, you are coming with me, right?" She asked while doing her aegyo. "No! She's going with me!" Nayeon shouted, Y/n stood dumbfounded. 

"Stop it! We won't split out, alright? We will ride all of those rides together." Jeongyeon said, Y/n held her hand and mumbled, "Thanks." 

 "No problem. Come on, let's get going." The J-line was in the front row, the Maknae line is in the middle and lastly, the four remaining girls were at the back. 

 "Let's ride the rollercoaster, first!" Y/n said, the others are excited but, there is a certain member who is not. It is the one and only, Dahyun.

 "I-I will just w-wait for you, guys, hehe." She nervously said, "What? No, you will come with us. Right, unnies?" Y/n asked the girls, they nodded at her, they dragged the frightened tofu in the line. 

"Can I back out?" Dahyun asked, the girls shook their heads, she let out a nervous laugh, "It's okay, unnie, I will sit beside you." Y/n said, the older girl nodded at her, letting out a relieved sigh.

 "Jeongyeonie, can I sit beside Dahyun unnie?" She asked cutely, knowing that her girlfriend can't resist her, Jeongyeon smiled, "Of course!" "Chaeyoung-ah, I think, you can't ride it!" Their leader shouted.

"Wae?" The cub replied, "I think, your height is not allowed." The other girls burst out laughing, the cub went to the leader and stood in front of the height meter, "Yah! I'm taller that 140 cm!" The cub shouted and pouted. 

After riding the rollercoaster, Y/n spotted a tower, a drop tower to be exact, "Unnie, let's ride that!" Y/n said and pointed at the tower. 

Her unnies stared at the tower in horror, "NO! We are not riding that!" Nayeon protested, "Well, if you don't want to, I have an idea. You play rock paper scissors and the three persons who will lose, will ride that tower with me." Y/N said and smirked evilly at her unnies, the girls stared at her in horror, "O-okay." Sana said. 

 The nine girls played and the three persons who lost were, Nayeon, Momo and Mina, "Oh, no." The three exclaimed.

 "Oh, yes! This is going to be fun. Come on, unnies, let's ride that monster!" Y/n said and grabbed their hands.

The three girls could not say no to the younger, they let out a heavy sigh and got in the line. 

After sometime, it is finally their turn, "Unnie, it's our turn! Let's go!" The three smiled unconsciously. They finally got in, the ride started, slowly going all the way up and swiftly dropping down. 

The three girls screamed, Mina screamed like a whistle, while Nayeon and Momo screamed their lungs out, and Y/n?

She was having her time, laughing at the three older girls, who were screaming like babies, she's enjoying the time of her life.

 Meanwhile, the other girls laughed at their three co-members, almost rolling on the floor, especially Jeongyeon, Chaeyoung and Dahyun.

"Unnie, that is so fun-ARGH!" Y/n dropped on her knees and clenched her chest, "Y/n, what happened?!" Jeongyeon asked, completely worried, "I-it's nothing, I'm fine." 

The others exchanged worried glances, "We should head home." Jihyo said, the girls nodded. Jeongyeon decided to carry Y/n bridal style, catching thr latter off guard, "Hey, Jeongie. I'm fine, I can walk." 

 "No, you are not. I will carry you all the way home." Y/n let out a defeated sigh, "Okay, then." Once they entered their van, it was filled with silence.

"Y/n, you can take a nap. Same for the rest of you." Jeongyeon announced, "Mina unnie, can I use you as my pillow?"

The older smiled and nodded, "Anytime you want." The latter laid down and used Kina's lap as her pillow.

"Jeongyeon-ah, careful on driving." Jihyo said, "Arasseo, Jihyo." The maknaes immediately fell asleep out of tiredness, not long after, the others fell asleep, too.

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