Chapter 38: Breaking the Rules

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[This is actually a cute chapter for me☺]

Jeongyeon's POV:

It has been a week since Y/n got out of the hospital, and it's been a week since she started eating more healthy foods.

Although, she kept complaining about it, saying, "I don't want to eat it, I have been eating that since I came home!"

And, "I want some chocolate." "Please, bring me out." But I always give her a glare and she will stop immediately.

It's cute though, she will puff her cheeks and pouts whenever I glare at her, "Jeongiieeee!!!"

There she goes. "What is is, Y/n?" She looked at me, grinning widely, "Can I get a chocolate now?" "Nope." "How about ice cream?"

"Nope, you still can't eat those food, it's bad for your health." She pouted at me, "Hmmp! Fine! I will go to Nayeon unnie."

Oh,wow, she will just go to me when she need something, huh? I chuckled in amusement, shaking my head and suddenly heard her yell, "Nayeon unnie!!!"

Y/n's POV:

"Nayeon unnie!!!" I shouted, "Yeah?" I smiled at her cutely, "You need something, don't you?" I grinned and nodded at her.

"What is it?" She asked once again, "Can I have some chocolate, unnie? Please." I said showing her my aegyo.

"Aish. You are lucky that you are cute. Come on, let's go to the kitchen." We went out of the room and saw Jeongyeon in the living room, looking at me. I gave her a mischievous smile and ran to the kitchen.

"Yah, Y/n, don't run!" I giggled as Nayeon unnie came, and took a pack of chocolate and handed me one.

"Thank you, unnie. You're the best!" I said and gave her a swag look making her laugh, "No problem, just don't tell it to the others, okay?" I nodded at her.

After we ate, we made sure that there are no traces of chocolate could be found on my face, "Sana unnie!"

I know this one cannot resist me, too. HAHAHA. "Yes, my baby?" I scrunched my nose, "I am not a baby, unnie. And, can we go outside?"

"You can't tire yourself, so no." Time for the aegyo. "Unnie, pwease?" She bit her lip and gave a heavy sigh, "You are lucky that I can't resist your cuteness, let's go to the park."

"Yes! Thank you, unnie, should we bring Nayeon unnie?" I asked and she nodded, I called Nayeon unnie and told her that we are going outside for a while.

Gladly, she agreed. We sneaked out of the dorm and went to the park, "Unnies, gomawo, jinjja. I really missed going outside, I'd been inside the dorm since I came home."

They smiled at me, "It's nothing, if it makes you happy, then we are happy." Sana unnie said, I then engulfed them into a hug, "I love you, unnies." "We love you too, Y/n-ah." Nayeon unnie exclaimed.

"Should we buy some ice cream?" Nayeon unnie asked, "Yes, please." "But you will have a small one okay?" "Ne, unnie." We went to a ice cream parlor and ordered, "Unnie, I want the avocado one." "Okay, then, wait here."

[ You are getting spoiled by your unnies, huh? "Yah, what would you feel if you had been locked up huh author-nim?" Woah! Chill out, I'm just saying. Back to the story.]

After a while, Nayeon unnie came struggling as she hold three ice creams in her hand, . "Unnie, let me help you." I grab the two ice creams and went to our seats, "Sana unnie, here is your ice cream."

"Thanks, Y/n. And we should head home." I pouted, "Why so soon, unnie?" "The girls found out that we brought you out." "What?! Let's go!" "Well, that escalated quickly." Nayeon unnie said.

When we got home, we were greeted by an angry ostrich and and angry jiggly puff. "Hehe, hi, unnies."


Hello! How are you doing? I hope you're doing great. Anyways, three updates for today, sorry for being inactive lately.

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