Chapter 47: The Concert

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3rd Person's POV:

It's been a year since Jeongyeon and Y/n became together, nothing has changed and everything was going right.

Well, not until Jeongyeon became nervous, why was she even nervous? Well, who wouldn't if you're going to propose to your girl?

Yes, she's now going to propose to her one and only Y/n. She knows that Y/n is the one and don't want to let her go.

Jeonyeon's POV:

A month ago, I bought an engagement ring, the girls eventually saw it, and knew what I 'll do. I asked them if they could help me, and being my supportive friends, they agreed.

I only told Y/n that I will introduce her to Onces, she was surprised when she heard it. She's hesitant at first, but gave up as I told her it will be alright.

We're currently at the concert and Y/n is waiting at the backstage, waiting for me the call.

I averted my gaze at Jihyo and nodded at her, "Onceu! We have someone to introduce to you, is it alright? You won't get mad, don't you?" She asked, "Ne!" "Are you ready?" "Ne!"

"Y/n, please come out." I annouced, she walked out from the backstage, wearing a simple dress yet, she still managed to look stunning.

The crowd went silent the when she stepped out. She walked up to me and the crowd roared, "Woah! That girl is so beautiful!"

I decided to speak, "Onceu!" "Ne?" They all answered, "I want you to meet Choi Y/n, twin sister of Choi Beomgyu from TXT." "No wonder she's beautiful!"

"Y/n, Why are you so pretty?" Someone shouted, making Y/n blush, the girls chuckled at her. "Onceu! Y/n is adorable right?" Mina asked, making the crowd agree.

We giggled at Y/n's flushed face, "Mina unnie, stop it." She whined and pouted that made the fans cheer.

"Y/n, can you do aegyo for Onces?" Nayeon unnie asked, "I'll try. Onceu, let's make Jeongyeon unnie blush, alright?" The crowd shouted once again.

She faced me, both of us were shown on the big screen, "Jeongie, Jeongie, shy shy shy!" She copied Sana, but she is way cuter, I blushed madly that made them cheer.

After having fun with Onces, I finally decided to say it, "Onceu, I have something to tell you!" They answered, "Ne?" "Y/n, she's my girlfriend. And we've been dating for a year now."

The crowd cheered, "We figured it out already!" "Y-You're not mad about it?" I asked, "Aniyo!" I looked at Y/n and saw her smiling, "Thank you, Onceu!"

I averted my gaze at the girls and nodded at them, they started singing "Say Yes". [Please, play it while reading this.]

I faced Y/n and held her hand, "Y/n, I know it's been a hard life for us. The first time I saw you, I instantly fell for you, every time we hangout, I only fell deeper. It's sad to know that someone took your heart before I did." I looked back at the crowd and the girls who were teary.

"But when I heard that she left you, I'm somewhat happy. As the day goes, I got the confidence to confess to you once again. You said yes, even though I'll still court on you.

It's my birthday and you decided to throw a party and that day, you finally said yes. It was the best gift I had ever received, I was deep in joy." I kneeled down and the crowd cheered.

"Y/n, I want to be with you forever, I want to grow old with you, share beautiful memories with you and have a wonderful life. Choi Y/n, will you marry me?"

She's crying and so are the girls, "Y-Yes! I do!" I'm beyond grateful right now, I placed the ring on her finger.

I stood up and pulled her into a passionate kiss. The crowd cheered, while the girls cry because of happiness.

"Yoo Jeongyeon, I love you so much." "Choi Y/n or should I say, Yoo Y/n, I love you too." I hugged her lovingly, "Onceu! Let's celebrate for the soon wedded couple!" Nayeon unnie shouted.

We spent our day having fun with each other. "Y/n is finally my wife!" I shouted making her blush, "I hope you guys had fun today and we hope that you liked our surprise." Dahyun shouted.

"Goodbye, Onceu!" Y/n shouted, "1..2..3! One in a Million! TWICE-imnida, kamsahamnida!" With that, we left the stage.

"Yah, Jeongyeon-ah! How dare you surprise and make me cry like that!" Y/n whined and pouted at me, I sent her a smile.

"I hope you like it, though." "I don't like it. I love it." She peck my lips and ran, "Yah!" "Catch me if you can my ostrich!" This girl is really something, I looked back at the girls and saw them smiling as I chase Y/n.

I smiled and mouthed, "Thank you, you guys are the best." They nodded and smiled at me.

[I'm smiling like an idiot while writing this. And I'm not crying, you are! The book is about to end]

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