Chapter 46: Vacation pt.2

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3rd Person's POV:

"Do you really want to stop?" Jeongyeon husked as she made Y/n face her, Y/n's breath hitched as her faced flushed bright red.

She had never seen this side of Jeongyeon and is still not ready, since she always sees her as the sweet and caring Jeongyeon.

"J-Jeongyeon." Y/n uttered, a knock was heard from the door, "Hey, lovebirds! Stop fucking each other and go out. Let's go to the beach!" Sana shouted.

The two girls looked away, blushing madly. "I-I'll wait for you outside." Jeongyeon said and quickly left.

'What just happened?' Y/n thought, she went on the bathroom and changed in a bikini, and wore an oversized sized shirt to cover her body.

She walked out and saw the other girls having fun on the water, some are on the shore.

"Yah, Y/n! What do you think you are wearing?" Jeongyeon scolded, "What's wrong with these? It's not that bad."

"No one should flirt with you." Y/n nodded, and walked to the girls, "Hey, don't start the fun without me!" Y/n shouted cutely as she remove her shirt.

Jeongyeon's jaw dropped as she saw her girlfriend's figure, she didn't know that Y/n have, "Stop eye fucking her, Jeongyeon-ah." Nayeon said and walked pass Jeongyeon.

"H-hey, I am not doing that!" Y/n and Chaeyoung are swimming with floats on their body, splashing water here and there.

"Jeongyeon-ah, come here!" Y/n shouted, the latter gulped and went to her girlfriend, "Yeah?" "Can I ride your shoulders?" (It's not what you're thinking, you pervert.)

"Hmm, why?" "Let's play against them." "Oh~ I like that!" Dahyun said and hopped on Momo's shoulder, who's now holding her limbs.

"I want to join!" Sana shouted, "Chewy?" "Ugh, fine." "Yay!" In the end, all of them were playing again each other, Nayeon was on Jihyo and Chaeyoung was on Mina.

"You're going down!" Y/n announced and attacked Sana, "Unnie, I'm going to beat you." Chaeyoung said and attacked Dahyun.

NaHyo were searching for an opportunity to attack a pair and saw JeongY/n, who just beat SaTzu.

Nayeon pushed Y/n who fell right away, "Yah! No fair!" The latter complained and pouted at Nayeon, who just smirked at her.

Soon, all of them fell exhausted and just stayed in the water, the rapper duo decided to swim along with Sana and Jeongyeon.

Y/n decided to take a rest, she walked back to the shore and sat on her mat. She was looking down, when a shadow suddenly appeared.

Y/n looked up and saw a guy, "Hey! C-can I get your name?" The guy asked, Jeongyeon who saw it, has smoke coming out of her ears and nostrils.

Nayeon and Jihyo held her back, shaking their heads, "Jeongyeon, they might recognize us." Jeongyeon sighed and nodded.

"Uhm, hi, I'm Y/n. And you are?" "Oh, where are my manners, I'm Myungin, pleasure to meet you." Myungin reached his hand out, Y/n shook it, "I was wondering if you are free? Perhaps, later?"

"I'm sorry, but I'm not, I have my friends with me." Y/n replied as she observes the guy.

"That's sad, but I hope to see you again, Y/n." He said as he kissed Y/n's hand and left.

Jeonyeon's eyes flared with anger and made her way to Y/n, she gripped Y/n's wrist tightly, "Hey, let me go! You're hurting me!"

"What do you think you are doing, huh?!" Jeongyeon furiously asked, "I'm just being kind!" "Kind?! You are clearly flirting with him!"

"Do you really think that low of me, Jeongyeon?" Y/n offendedly asked, Jeongyeon suddenly leaned in.

"I told you earlier, no one should flirt with you. I am the only one who should. You're a bad girl, and you know what happens to them? They should be punished." Jeongyeon husked and left, Y/n gulped.

The other girls' was mouth left hanging as they felt the sexual tension between the two girl, mostly Jeongyeon.

"They'll be okay, right?" Chaeyoung asked, Mina nodded and dragged her away, trying saving her innocence.

"I bet they're going to fuck tonight." Sana blurred out, "Don't say that! Y/n is still young." Jihyo protested.

"But they will do it soon, eventually." Momo said as she went on her own world, Dahyun frowned at her and made a sign of the cross, hoping that nothing bad will happen.



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