Chapter 23: Drink With Me

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3rd Person's POV:

  Y/n and Mina headed to the park, "Y/n, why do you have beers?" "To drink, obviously." "I mean, why would you even drink?" Mina asked, once again.

"I just want to forget what happened this day, unnie" "But-" "Unnie, please." The older girl let out a defeated sigh.

"Drink with me." Y/n blurted out as she handed a bottle, "But how can I look after you?" Mina asked, knowing that she have a low tolerance on alcohol.

 "I can take care of you, unnie, trust me. And it's not that much, so no need to worry. Come on, unnie, drink with me." Mina sighed and grabbed the bottle of beer.

 "Why do you always drink, Y/n?" The latter was surprised at the question, she didn't expected it coming, but answered, anyways.

"Because it's the only way to forget about my problems, even though it's only temporary." Y/n opened her beer and drank.

  "Would you like to go to a psychiatrist?" The older asked, "Why would I?" "Just asking, because you're showing symptoms of depression."

 The younger sighed, aware that something is wrong with her, "Okay, unnie. But you're the one who will come with me." Mina smiled and nodded, before continuing drinking her beer.

Jihyo's POV:

  It's been hours since Y/n and Mina went out. Me and the girls were getting worried, it's already night time.

"Should we search for them? They are not answering my calls nor texts. I'm getting worried." The girls nodded in agreement.

We went out, with masks and hoodies were covering our faces. We searched for them around the neighborhood,but still, no sign or traces of them. They won't be that far, right?

3rd Person's POV:

  Jihyo and the other members decided to go to a nearby park, where they saw a familiar figures, sitting on a bench.

 Meanwhile, with Y/n and Mina, "Unnie, do you think, I'm not good enough? A-am I a bad l-lover?" The young asked as she sadly looked at Mina, patiently waiting for an answer.

 Mina cupped her cheeks and gently stroked it, "No, no, you are not, you are the best girlfriend anyone would have. You even let her go to the states." They looked at each other, meeting each others eye.

The beer was running through their bodies, Y/n leaned in and kissed Mina, the older was tipsy and kissed back, the kiss they shared was passionate, they pulled away and blushed.

 The other girls saw it and went near the two, not aware that they were drunk, "Y/n? Mina?" The two simultaneously turned their heads and saw their friends.

 "Oh, hellow, unnies~!" Y/n said drunkenly greeted as she wave her hand, "H-hi, girls!" Mina greeted and hicupped afterwards, the others exchanged looks.

"Are you guys drunk?" Jihyo asked, "They obviously are, unnie." Tzuyu deadpanned, that made the rest of the girls snort, Jihyo sent her a glare.

  "Oh, us, drunk? Aniyo~, hehe." Mina said, "Let's go home, the two of you are drunk. You need to rest." Jeongyeon said.

 Y/n then whispered to Mina, "Mina unnie, let's RUN!!!" Y/n shouted as she pulled away and dragged Mina, making the other members chase them.

  "Yah! Comeback here, you two!" Jeongyeon shouted, as she chased the two girls faster, leaving the others behind.

 The two girls ran even faster, "Yah!!! Comeback!" They did not stopped, but Jeongyeon did, as she was exhausted, the other girls had caught up with Jeongyeon.

 "They're… so fast." She said in between her pants. After a while, the two eventually came back. "Yah! Why did you ran?!"

Y/n was about to answer, but she suddenly held her mouth and searched for a trash can. When she saw one, she immediately threw up, while Dahyun was caressing her back.

  "You alright?" The younger nodded and wiped her mouth. "Let's go home now, Y/n." Jihyo said, and this time, Y/n obeyed.

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