Chapter 36: Hospitalized

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3rd Person's POV:

Jeongyeon quickly picked Y/n up, "Call our managers and tell them to get our van ready." 'Y/n, what is happening to you? You're making me really worried.' 

Jeongyeon's thoughts was cut off by a voice, "Jeongyeon, the van is ready." Nayeon said, Jeongyeon nodded and ran out as the girls trail behind her.

"Please, hurry up!" Jeongyeon desperately said. Not long after, they arrived at the hospital, Jeongyeon ran inside as she carry Y/n in her arms.

 "Somebody, help us, please!" She shouted, luckily, a nurse went towards them, with a stretcher, Jeongyeon placed Y/n gently on it.

"What happened to her?" The nurse asked, "I think, she had an heart attack and she suddenly passed out." Jeongyeon replied, breathing heavily, "Please, wait here." The nurse said and dragged Y/n to the emergency room.

 Jeongyeon sat down, feeling anxious, the girls approached her, "How is Y/n? Where is she?" Jihyo asked, "She's in the emergency room right now..." She trailed off.

 "What if she leaves me? What will happen to me? W-what if she die because of that?" Jeongyeon became vulnerable, and started crying.

"Hey, hey, she is going to be okay, Y/n's going to be alright." Nayeon said, trying to comfort the younger girl.

"Relatives of Choi Y/m?" Jeongyeon quickly stood up, wiping her tears, "I-I'm her girlfriend, doc, how is she?" Jeongyeon asked.

 "She is doing fine, it is nothing major, her asthma came back. She better not overwork herself and eat healthy foods.

If not, she might have another attack and we have no choice but to do an operation. She needs to stay here for a week, so we can assure that she is alright." The doctor said. 

 "W-we'll take care of her, c-can we visit her?" "You may, her room number is 105. I shall take my leave." They bowed to each other and the doctor left, they rushed to Y/n's room, where they saw a tube attached in her mouth and sleeping peacefully.

Jeongyeon sat beside her and held her hand, "Y/n-ah, please be alright. Please, wake up, I'm getting worried." Jeongyeon said, silently sobbing in to Y/n's hand.

Y/n's fluttered open, which Sana saw, "Y/n?! She is awake! Y/n is awake!" Sana shouted, the girls looked up, seeing Y/n awake.

They pulled her in a hug, "W-what happened?" Y/m asked, "We'll tell you later, you should rest for now. Do you need anything?" Jihyo asked, the latter shook her head.

 "Y/n, you made me worried, don't let that happen again." Jeongyeon said and kissed her forehead, "I'm sorry, I-I didn't want you to worry, so I didn't told that I had an attack before going to you."

 "But looked what happened to you, your life will be in risk." Tzuyu said, she don't often show her emotions, but she really got worried to the younger one. 

"Mianhae, unnies." Y/n said and looked down, "It's okay, but don't do it again, okay?" Mina cleared, Y/n nodded, "Unnie, I feel tired."

 "You should take a rest now, we'll stay with you." Dahyun said, "But don't you have something to do?"

"Nope, we already told to our managers and PD-nim what happened to you and that we will take care of you." Nayeon said. 

 Y/n smiled and mumbled, "Thanks." Y/n closed her eyes and drifted into sleep. "Jeongyeon-ah, you should rest too." Momo said, "I'm fine, I will take care of Y/n, you guys can go home."

 "If you say so." The girls pecked Y/n's cheek and left, leaving the two girls alone. Jeongyeon sat besides Y/n's bed and took a nap.

Y/n's POV:

I woke up and saw Jeongyeon sleeping beside my bed, I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 7 in the evening.

"Jeongyeon-ah, wake up" I said softly, tapping her arm, "Jeongyeon, wake up."

She slowly lifted her head up, I smiled at her, "Y/n, how are you feeling? Are you hungry?" I giggled at her, "I'm fine, Jeongie. Just a bit hungry."

 "Can you wait for a while? I will buy us some food." I nodded at her, "I can handle myself, love." "Alright, I will be back." I nodded and she left.

 'When will I leave this place? I'm already bored.' I then saw my phone on the table beside me. I grinned and took it. I played Minecraft, while waiting for her to comeback.

After sometime, the door opened revealing Jeongyeon, with two plastic bags in her hand, "I have something for you, Y/n-ah. It's really good." She said and grinned, "Jinjja? What is it?" She opened the container and showed me a vegetable salad. 

'Seriously? A salad? What is good about that?' "Here is your salad!" I pouted at her, "But I don't want salad." "The doctor said you need to eat healthy foods."

 "Jeongyeon-ah, when can I leave?" "Next week." 'What?!' "What?! Why~?" I asked in agony, she laughed at my reaction.

  "Well, that's what the doctor said, so they can assure that you are okay. J-just eat already." I sighed and eat my fucking salad.

"How come you get to eat a delicious one?" She glared at me, clearly annoyed, I gulped and continued eating. 

 After we ate, she cleaned the table and looked at me, "You should take a rest now." "I don't want to~." I whined, "Aish, let's get to sleep, come on. I will sleep beside you."

 I smiled at the idea, "Okay!" I scooted over and she laid beside me. I hugged her and snuggled on her neck, "Good night, Jeongie." "Good night, Y/n/n."

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