Chapter 32: Father

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Y/n's POV:

"F-father?" He walked up to me, "Hi, Y/n-ah. You've grown up so much! I miss you, I'm sorry for what I did." I scoffed and looked at him in disbelief.

"Well, you should be. After all, you left us for another woman." I hissed, "I'm sorry for what I have done, Y/n."

He knelt in front of me, "Y/n-ah, please, forgive me." "Why would I? How many years did you left us? Oh, it's only ten years.

 TEN FUCKING YEARS! Then here you are, begging for my forgiveness? Unbelievable." I averted my gaze at Jeongyeon and saw her confused and uncomfortable at the same time, we stared at each other. 

 I lightly smiled and nodded my head at her, assuring her that everything is fine. "Y/n, please, I promise, I'll change." I looked at my mother and my twin brother, I think, they forgave him already.

"If you think that I'll forgive you, just because mother and my twin did. Well, that would never happen. You should've think twice before leaving us."

"I'm sorry Y/n." "Do you think it's easy?! Ten fucking years! You left mom with two kids! Then you suddenly appeared like it never happened, huh?!"

Jeongyeon held my shoulders, "Come on, Y/n. That's enough." She said softly, "You! I'll make you regret the things you did." I hissed the last part.

My mom and my twin didn't do anything, scared of what will happen. This is my first out burst in front of them, after all. "Let's go, Jeongyeon." 

She lightly bowed at my mother and I grabbed her hand, dragging her to the convenient store, I grab a beers from one of the fridge and paid for it. I dragged Jeongyeon once again, this time at a park.  

 "I'm sorry for what you heard and saw back there. I'll introduce you to my mom another time, I guess." She looked at me, her gaze were so soft.

"You don't have to drink, I'm here for you and I will listen." I only gave her a small smile. "I know, I-I just need some." I kissed her cheek and drank more.

Jeongyeon's POV:

I've never seen Y/n that mad, and it's my first time to hear her cursed. She already finished all the beers and passed out, I carried her bridal style. She's a bit heavy.

I walked my way to our dorm with Y/n, comfortably sleeping in my arms. When I arrived, I knocked on the door. This is so hard.

 The door was opened by Chaeyoung, "Hi, unnie! What happened to her?" She asked. "Long story, can you help me to get her on the bed?" She nodded and helped me carry Y/n.

When we got to the living room, the girls saw us and their eyes widened at the sight of Y/n, "What happened to her?" "I'll tell you later, help me first."

They prepared Y/n a fresh clothes and the maknaes fixed the bed, I gently placed her on the bed, "Maknaes, can you please take care of her?" They smiled and nodded at me.

I left the room and saw the other girls, staring at me, "What?" I asked, "You have a lot of explaining to do." Jihyo said, "Okay, okay, I'll explain everything."

They stared at me, waiting for me to continue. "Okay, so first, we had a date and after our date, Y/n decided to go to her family, since she's feeling homesick, so we did.

When we arrived, we were greeted by her twin and her mother, then suddenly, her father appeared. The moment she saw her father, she got furious.

I heard that her father left them for ten years, I think, it's the reason why she got mad at him, they argued for about some minutes, until I called her and told her to stop. She did and dragged me out of the house and bought a beers."

"Why didn't you stop her?" Sana asked, "Who would do such thing after seeing her rage?" "Her dad had some guts, huh?" Nayeon unnie said.

"I think, she'll get stressed about it, knowing that her father is just around." Jihyo said and we nodded at her.

"Then, we need to distance Y/n as long as we can. We kno, that they should see her, but if it can harm Y/n's mental or physical health. Then, we will do it." Mina said.

"Her anxiety might trigger again, we don't want that to happen, don't we?" We nodded at her


Hello! A triple update again!

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