Chapter 3: Maknaes Going To School

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Dahyun's POV:

Last night, Nayeon unnie told us that we'll go to school and will ask our manager's approval.

To be honest, I'm so excited, because I really want to go to school again and I hope the students there are kind.

We are currently at the the JYP building, waiting for Nayeon unnie, so right now, we aren't doing anything.

I decided to play some music and dance to it, just to kill some time, after a while, the others danced with me, we played some games and had fun.

Later on, someone opened the door revealing Nayeon unnie with a sad face, 'Wae? Did manager-nim didn't allow us to go to school?'

"Nayeon unnie, what happened?" Chaeng asked. "Manager said can go to school!!!" We all squealed at what she said.

"Thank you, Nayeon unnie, we owe you big time." The three of us said in unison.

"No problem, for the three of you, I would do anything." She said and hugged us tighter.

"We should have a celebration for this!" Sana unnie shouted, "Let's go out and eat." Jihyo unnie said, all of us agreed and head out.

3rd Person's POV:

As they were walking on the silent street of Seoul, the maknaes were skipping happily and singing/chanting, too.

"We're gonna go to school! We're gonna go to school! Who are excited? Who are excited? We, we, we are excited! We're gonna go to school! We're gonna go to school! Yehey! Yehey!"

They sang repeatedly as the olders were giggling at their cuteness. "I love seeing them act like this." Jeongyeon said.

"Yeah, it feels like they are kids, again." Jihyo replied, "Yah! Maknaes, the restaurant is here!" Momo shouted.

The three giggled as they realized that they walked pass the restaurant, they caught up with the others and went inside.


The girls just got out of the restaurant, "Waah~ that meal really made me full." Mina said, "Lucky you, I'm still hungry." Momo commented.

Which earned a disbelief stares from the members, "You almost ate all of it, how come you're still hungry?!" Jeongyeon whispered shouted.

"Momoring's stomach is a monster." Sana said and giggled, "Yah! It's not, you Sanake!" Momo protested and chased the latter around.

"Yah! Jihyo-ah!!!" Jihyo sighed and grab Momo by the shirt, "Come on, it's getting late. We need to go back." The older groaned and went beside her room mate.

Once they arrived at the dorm, they ran to the couch and opened the T. V, "Hey, hey! Enough with that. Go clean up and head to bed." Jihyo demanded.

The girls let out a groan and cleaned up, they immediately went to their respective rooms and slept.

In the middle of the night, the rain suddenly poured with a loud thunder.

'Oh shoot! Sana unnie!' Dahyun thought. "Kyaaaaah!!!" Dahyun quickly ran to their room (J-Line) and engulfed the older in a hug.

"Unnie, it's okay. I'm here now." She said, trying to calm the older girl, "Dahyunie, please, stay with me." Sana said and tighten the hug.

"Ne, unnie. I will, let's sleep now, unnie."

Y/n's POV:

I'm currently at my bed when I heard the rain dropping on our roof suddenly I heard a thunder.

"Oppa!!!" I shouted, "Sshh~ oppa is here now, I will stay with you okay? let's go to sleep now."

I nodded at his statement and slowly, I felt my eyes getting heavier, so I closed my eyes an drifted in to a deep sleep.

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