Chapter 24: Hangover

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[Mina is so cute! I want to put her in my pocket!!] 

Y/n's POV:

  I groaned as I woke up,  feeling my head ache like hell, "Ugh, my head hurts." I felt a weight beside my body, I turned and saw Mina unnie.

I panicked and fell off of the bed with a loud thud, "Ugh, ouch, my head hurts." I heard Mina unnie said.

 I groaned again and sat up, "Y/n? What are you doing in my room?" "Uhh, unnie, this is my room." "Oh, you guys are already awake." Momo unnie said as she entered the room.

 "Here is your medicines, drink up so your heads won't ache anymore." She added as she handed the medicines and we took it and drank it. 

 "Momo, what happened? Why am I in Y/n's room?" Mina unnie asked, "Apparently, the two of you were drunk last night, and ran away from us. And you, Mina, you won't sleep unless you're with Y/n, it's the same for you, Y/n. One more thing, the two of you kissed."

 K-kissed?! "We did what?!" We asked in unison, "You guys kissed." I-I kissed M-Mina unnie?! "A-are you serious, unnie?" I asked once again, "Do I look like I'm joking?" I shook my head as I nervously laughed. 

 "By the way, the food is ready. Get down when you are done doing your business." "O-okay, unnie. Thanks."

 When Momo unnie left, the atmosphere became more awkward, "I-I'll go now, u-unnie." I stuttered and left.

3rd Person's POV:

All the girls are eating with a silently awkward atmosphere surrounding them. "Is there a problem?" Jihyo suddenly asked that made Y/n tense up.

 "N-Nothing, unnie." Y/n answered. "I-I'll go now, unnies. Just lock the door when you leave." Y/n stated and left her unfinished meal, while the others looked at her in confusion. 

 "Momo, what did you do?" Jihyo asked, "Oh, I told them what happened last night, that includes their kiss." Momo bluntly said as one member flushed red when Momo said that.

  Y/n went to her secret place, a tree house in a not-so-deep forest, "It's been a while since I came here, I miss this place." She said to herself and decided to clean the tree house, inside and out.

 "What just happened?" Sana aksed, "Mina, do you remember why you guys kissed?" Nayeon asked. "Wha- I don't know, okay? I am drunk last night. Two of us were."

"But how did you got drunk? Last time I remember, you don't drink." She asked, once again, annoying the shit out of Mina.

 "Because she told me to drink with her, I couldn't say no." Mina answered, getting annoyed at the older.

"Shall we find for Y/n?" The tofu asked, Jihyo shook her head, "Let her have her own time." She said. 

After Y/n finished cleaning, she felt alone and unimportant, though, she likes to be isolated at times, she still feels incomplete.

She always keep her problems to herself, as she thought she'll just burden her friends, they already are busy, and she don't want to add more.

 She suddenly remembered that she's going to a psychiatrist with her Mina unnie. She just shrugged off and spend some time alone.

She remembered how the tree house was made, she and her brother made it, they painted the outside like leaves, so no one can notice it from afar, "I wish, I'm like a bird who's always free."


She arrived at her house, almost midnight. The lights were off, indicating that the girls already left.

She went inside and went to her room, before letting herself fall on her bed. She didn't bothered to wash and just slept.


  Four updates, is that enough for being inactive? Or should I add more?

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