Chapter 12: In a Trance

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3rd Person's POV:

A week had passed since Y/n had a nightmare, she couldn't stop thinking who's the girl that kidnapped her.

She keeps spacing out every time, even at school that made her unnies worried. 

They decided to talk to her, "Y/n?" Dahyun calls her, "Y/n?" Still no response from the younger girl.

"Y/n!!!" The three shouted at the same time. "A-ah, ne, unnie?" The youngest finally answered.

Y/n's POV:

I'm currently in our classroom, I started thinking again about that freaking nightmare, "Y/n!!!" a shout startled me, bringing me back to reality.

I look at the person and saw TWICE maknaes, "A-ah, ne, unnie?" I asked nervously.

"We've been calling and you're just spacing out, are you alright?" Chaeng unnie asked.

"Ah, ne, unnie, just thinking about something," I answered referring to my nightmare. "What is it?" Tzu unnie asked worriedly.

"It's nothing, unnie." I smiled at them reassuringly, "But you're spacing out often since last week, Y/n, how can you say that it's nothing?!" Dubu unnie stated, with anger and worry tinting her voice.

I just looked down, in fear, that she might shout at me, "Y/n, look at me!" She shouted.

I felt my eyes tearing up, still not looking at her. "I said look at me, Y/n!" She shouted once again. And that's the last straw, my tears ran down my face.

I stood up and ran with all my might, I should control how I ran or I'll trip. They keep calling my name but I didn't dared to look back at them, I ran up to the rooftop and cried my eyes out.

Dahyun's POV:

Y/n ran away, crying, "Unnie, I think you've gotten too far." Tzuyu said. "I know, Tzu, I-I just got carried away, I'm just worried."

They suddenly hugged me, "It's okay unnie, come on, let's find her." Chaeng said cutely, in a way to cheer me up, I giggled and nodded.

We walked around the school, searching for her, but still no trace of Y/n.

We were getting anxious every minutes that passed by, "We should go to the rooftop, she might be there," Chaeng said.

We head to the rooftop, once we reached it, the door was closed, we were about to go away when we heard sobs, "I should've answered Dahyun unnie."

It was Y/n, crying alone, I felt guilty for what I just did to her, "We should probably enter and talk to her." Chewy requested. 

I nodded and twisted the door knob, slowly opening the door, "Hey, Y/n." Y/n flinched at my sudden call, she looked at us, shivering in fear.

"Why did you ran away?" Tzuyu asked in a soft tone, Y/n stared at us in completely shock, "A-are you gonna s-shout at me a-again?" She asked quiveringly.

"No, no, Y/N-ah. I'm here to apologize for what I did. I just got carried away because I'm worried." I said, I gently held her hand, making her flinch a bit.

She just stared at me, "I'm sorry, unnie is sorry. Will you forgive me?" She hugged me and nodded.

"I forgive you, unnie. I'm sorry, too, it's just that… that nightmare has been bugging me." She sobbed.

"Sshh~ now, now. It's alright, just don't do it again, we are always here for you, remember that, okay?" I said as I wipe her tears away.

She smiled and nodded, "Let us join!" I giggled and opened my arms, Chaeng and Chewy joined our warm group hug.


Double update, again! Yey!. I hope you like my story, kindly vote! Kamsa

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