Chapter 48: Preparation

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3rd Person's POV:

It has been three months since Jeongyeon proposed to Y/n, they were getting busy for their wedding.

Though, it will still take months for the wedding, they could care less. They only want everything to be at place.

Y/n's POV:

"Jeongyeon-ah, do you think purple will suit me?" She stared at me for a while and smiled, "Everything suits you, my love."

I blushed at her statement as the other girls gagged fakely, "So Cheesy, Yoo." Nayeon unnie said, "At least I am not as stupid as you." "You fucking ostrich!"

Jeongyeon ran as Nayeon unnie chased her around, "Yah! Stop playing around. And Jeongyeon, this is for your wedding." Jihyo unnie sternly said as they quickly stopped and composed theirselves.

I spotted a suit and called her, "Jeongyeon, can you try this out?" She walked to me and took the suit.

"I think, this won't look good at me." She said as she  furrows her eyebrows, "Come on, just try it out, please?" "Okay, fine."

I smiled and she walked into the fitting room, I scanned the other dresses as I wait for her.

After some minutes, I heard some loud gasps, I walked back to them and gasped as I saw the sight in front of us.

"YOU LOOK FUCKING HANDSOME!" Sana unnie squealed, "Y-you look like a prince, Jeongyeon." I said as I approach her.

"Really?" She asked, engulfing me in an embrace, I nodded at her, "My prince." She blushed as the others squealed.

"Oh, come on. Enough with the cheesy stuffs." Tzuyu unnie complained, "Just confess to Sana already, you coward." Jeongyeon said that made the two blush.

"I'm going to try out some dress." I muttered, "Can I go with you?" Jeongyeon asked, I smacked her and went to the fitting room and locked it quickly.

Jeongyeon's POV:

I waited for Y/n to come out as I sat, "Unnie, does this look good on us?" I looked to my side and saw Chaeyoung and Dahyun in a suit.

I nodded, "It fits the both of you perfectly, is that what you'll wear at the wedding?" They both nodded.

"Jeongyeon." I faced the person, my jaw dropping the moment I saw her, "I-it's perfect, y-you're perfect." I stuttered out and saw her blush.

"You l-look wonderful, Y/n." "Y-yeah." The two maknae stuttered too, I faced them and smacked their heads.

"Yah!" "That hurts!" They winced, "Don't you dare, look at my wife." "Yah. Don't be rude, and besides, we're buddies, right, unnies?" Y/n stated, the two nodded and chuckled nervously.

"Jeongyeon, you're getting jealous over nothing." Momo said as she wad passing by, "J-jealous?! I am not!"

"Don't deny it." Jihyo butted in, "I told you, I AM NOT JEALOUS!" "Kindly keep your voices down, we're in a boutique shop, not in a market." Mina said as she search for a dress.

"After this, we'll go back to the dorm and plan the wedding." Y/n said as she walks to the counter, she faced me.

"Here." She said as she handed me a dress, "I don't like dresses." I stated, she laughed and spoke.

"Silly! I thought you'll be the one who will pay the things we buy?" "Wait, what? I said that? When?" Tzuyu suddenly passed by, "Last night, when you were drunk." My jaw dropped.

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