Chapter 9: Drunk

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(A/N: Just imagine you're in a park.)

Y/n's POV:

 The school ended and I'm currently in my room, doing nothing. I change into some causal clothes.

               (Don't include the bag

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               (Don't include the bag.)

 After doing so, I went downstairs and saw my mom watching news on T.V, "Where are you going, sweet heart?" She asked.

"I'm just going to go out for a walk or go to the park, mom. Don't expect me to get back home, I might stay at a friend's house. Bye, mom!" I bid and head out.

Actually, I'm going to go to the convenient store and get a couple of beers. [A/n: Do not ever drink, kids.]

 Yup, I drink and I know the cashier guy. I arrived at the store and picked three bottles of beers and went to the cashier.

 "Hey, Y/n! Long time no see." He greeted, "Hey, Jack! Nice to see you, too. Here's the bill, keep the change, bro. Bye, see you soon."down

I went out of the store and went to the park, I saw a bench and sat down.

Sana's POV:

I decided to go out of the dorm for a night walk and also for alone time, I thought of going to a park, there should be no people around this time.

I saw a nearby bench, but it was currently occupied by a girl. I walk towards her and the figure seems familiar.

'Wait…don't tell me, this is Y/n...' I made my way around, in front of the girl. My eyes widened, it really is Y/n, not only that, she was also surrounded by bottles of beers.

'She drank all of that?! And, she still have one bottle in her hand! I think, she's asleep right now.'

"Hey, Y/n, wake up it's already late." I said as I was tapping her body, she stirred and slowly opened her eyes, which were red and puffy.

'Did she cry for a whole freaking day?' "Hi, Sana unnie. *hiccups* W-what are you d-doing here?" She slurred.n

"It's not important anymore, Y/n.  Let's get you home." I said, tugging her right arm, "NO! I need to finish this first." She said, hugging the last bottle of beer she have.

I have to be honest, she looks so cute, but no, it's already night and dangerous.

I grab the bottle from her and hid it behind me, "Yah, unnie, give me that bottle!" She shouted at me. "Enough. Stop this, I'm going to walk you home." I sternly said.

"No, I don't wanna go home, unnie. I'm going to stay here." 'Aish, this kid is so stubborn.' I massaged my temple, "Then, I will stay here with you."

She snapped her head at me, narrowing her eyes, "No, unnie. Go home, it's dangerous out here." She demanded, I let out a sigh.

"It's dangerous for you too, Y/n." She  groaned frustratedly, "Aish, fine, let's go, unnie. Can I sleep at your dorm? Just for this night"

I smiled at her, "Of course, let's go."  I assisted her, because every step she takes, she always stumbles.

Not long after, we reached the dorm, I pressed the doorbell, "Wait a minute!" A loud voice said inside, you already know who it is.

The door opened revealing Jihyo, "Hi, Sana! Wait... oh my gosh! What happened to her?" Jihyo asked worriedly.

"I'll explain later, we need to get her in." She nodded and helped me assisting the drunk Y/n. We placed her on the couch.

After that, I made Jihyo face me, "Sana, can you tell me what happened?" I smiled and nodded at her, "Okay. So, I told  you that I will go out for a walk, right?" She nodded.

"Well, when I arrived at the park, I was about to take a seat on a nearby bench, but I saw a figure sitting there.

I went nearer and walked in front of the figure, then, I saw her. I even got surprised, when I saw bottles of beers around her, I noticed that she was asleep, so I woke her up.

I told her that I'll walk her her home, but she refused and said that she don't want to. I said that I'll stay with her, but she said it's dangerous for me.

So, I told her, that's it dangerous for her, too. Then asked me if she can stay here, I agreed and brought her here. So, yeah." I said.

Jihyo was standing still, "Ji!" She flinched, "Ah, yeah?" "Did you understood what I even said?" She scratched her nape, "Hehe, what is it, again?" I face palmed.

[A/N: Part 2 is next, please vote. And I'm sorry for errors. Have a nice day 😊]

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