Chapter 41: You're safe now

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Y/n's POV:

 I woke up in an unfamiliar room, I tried to walk but ended up falling, that caused a loud thud. Suddenly, footsteps are heard and the door opened.

 I looked up and saw five beautiful young ladies, "Hey, are you okay?" I sat up and climbed on the bed, groaning in process, "I-I'm fine. Where am I? A-and who are you?"

 "Oh, where are our manners, let us introduced ourselves. All in us! Annyeonghaseyo ITZY- ibnida!" The greeted and bowed.

 "My name is Yeji, I am the leader and the oldest." The girl that have cat eyes said, "Hello, my name is Lia, I am the second oldest." The girl that look like foreigner said, "Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Ryujin."

 The girl with a cool vibe said, she reminds me of Jeongyeon, "Hi, I am Chaeryeong!" The girl with a cute chubby cheeks said, "Hi, I am Yuna, the maknae." The girl that looks cute said.

 "H-Hi I am Choi Y/n." "We have the same surname!" Lia-ssi cut off, "I'm Choi Beomgyu's twin." I continued that made them gasp.

Yeji-ssi spoked, "What happened to you? We saw you at the park's bench passed out." "H-how should I say this? It's a long story, but I'm going to make it short. Uuhh…I got kidnapped two days ago, a-and last night I got the opportunity to sneak out from that psychotic girl." The girls eyes' widened and their mouths hanged open, "What?!" They yelled in unison.

"Do you know where your family is?" Yeji asked, "Uhm…well, I live with TWICE." Their jaws dropped, "You live with TWICE sunbae-nims?" "Sunbae-nims? You mean, you are in the same company?" They nodded. 

Jeongyeon's POV:

 I still haven't seen Y/n, it has been two days, since she got kidnapped, we reported it to the police as well, but they didn't do anything about it. 엄창 새끼 야!

 I can't sleep at night, hoping that she would come back, I didn't even get to eat properly this past two days.

"Jeongyeon-ah, you need to calm down." Nayeon unnie said, "Calm down?! How will I fucking calm down if Y/n is in danger?!"

 The other girls came down, "Unnie, we will find her, okay? Don't lose hope." Chaeng said and hugged me, I sighed.

"I don't know what do to anymore, Chaeyoung-ah. It feels like my whole life is breaking." I sobbed. 

Y/n's POV:

 "Unnie, you should rest first." Yuna said, I finally got to know them, the three girls are younger than me, "If you are feeling better, we will call TWICE sunbaenim immediately." I nodded at them, I tucked myself in the bed and sleep. 

3rd Person's POV:

 The five girls went to the living room, "Should we call them now?" Chaeryeong asked, "They might be worried about Y/n unnie." Yuna added, their leader sighed and nodded, she picked her phone up and called, the girl waited patiently.

 "Yeoboseo?" A voice from the other line said, "Sunbae, this is Yeji." "Oh, Yeji-ah, do you need something?"

 "Ne, I called because someone is here. Her name is Y/n, do you know her?" Nayeon's eyes widened as she heard the name, "Ah, yes, we've been searching for her. We will go there now." 

She hanged up and quickly ran to the others, "I found Y/n." "What? Where is she?!" Jeongyeon asked, "She's at ITZY's dorm right now." "Let's go." They ran to their van and headed to the dorm. 

They arrived and pressed the bell, it opened, revealing Yuna with her cute smile, "Annyeong, sunbae-nims! Come inside." Yuna said as the girls followed.

"Unnies, sunbaenims are here." Their leader turned her head and bowed, "Sunbae-nims, before you go inside the room. I have some warning, you may not like what you'll see." Yeji formally said.

"Is her situation really bad?" Mina asked, "Aniyo, but she have wounds and bruises. Would you like to see her?"

The girls nodded, "Follow me." Yeji walked away as the girls followed behind her. Not long after, they were facing a door, which Yeji opened for them.

Their eyes widened as they saw the girl in front of them, lying on a bed, with bruises and wounds every where, "I will leave you now."

 The girls went in the room, their eyes getting teary, "Y/n, w-who did this to you?! I will kill that bitch!" Tzuyu furiously exclaimed, we all know that she doesn't express her feelings, but today is an exception, seeing her dongsaeng in this situation hurts her.

 Y/n's eyes fluttered open, "Jeongie?" She asked as she felt the olders girls hand intertwined with her. 


Did y'all missed me? Because I missed updating and of course, I also miss you, guys😁

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