Chapter 18: Moving In

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Y/n's POV:

My alarm clock rang, waking me up immediately, I enthusiastically stood up and did my morning routine.

I'm so excited!!! I called my brother and asked him if he could help me pack my things.

"Of course, come on, let's pack up your things, Y/n. Hurry up, your girl might be waiting for you." He said, smirked at me, I just rolled my eyes at him. 

"Don't be ridiculous, she's not even here, yet." "So, you're planning to make her wait?" "I didn't said that."

After we packed, I went to my mom to chat with her for a while, "Hey, mom. I'm really going miss you." "I'm  going miss you, too, sweetie. Take care, okay? Not only yourself, but your girlfriend, too, okay?"

I nodded at her, "Arasseo. I will visit as often as I can, I promise." "Okay, sweetie-" A honk was suddenly heard outside.

"That's probably your girl, sweetie." She teased, "Ugh, now I know why oppa was like that." She chuckled and pat my head.

"Mooom!" "See you soon, Y/n." "Bye, mom!" I head outside with my brother following me. When I looked up, I saw the girl I love, leaning on her car.

I dashed at her and quickly pulled her in a hug, "Annyeong, my jagiya!" She greeted cheerfully, "I missed you so much, unnie." I said and snuggled more. "We just saw each other yesterday." "Still."

"Yah! Y/n, no PDA!" My twin shouted, I just laughed at him. "You are just jealous because you are single. Why don't you confess to Taehyun oppa?"

He blushed and glared at me, "W-what are you s-saying? I don't like him." I giggled and stuck my tongue out at him.

After placing my luggage inside the trunk, I bid goodbye to my brother, "See you soon, oppa. I'm going to miss you." "I will, too, Y/n-ah. See you soon."

He hugged me for a good minute and immediately went inside our house, "Jagi, let's go." I smiled and  held her hand, before entering her car.


We arrived at our new house after an hour or two, it's fully furnished and what I love about it, was the mini garden.

A hand was intertwined with mine, "Do you like it?" "I love it. It's so beautiful, just like you." I said with a grin.

She playfully slapped my shoulder,
"Yah! Stop it!" I just laughed at her and picked my things up and head inside.

I was stunned at how simply beautiful the house is, she giggled at my actions, "Come on, unnie. Let's go inside our room, I'll fix our things."

We headed to our room and entered, I settled the luggage down and started arranging it, "Can I help?"

"Of course, but I'll like it if  you prefer to rest." She pouted at me, "But I want to help youu." "Aish, you're so cute! Alright, you can help me."

She excitedly stood up from the bed and helped me. After an hour, we finally finished arranging our things properly.

I decided to cook for our dinner, "I will cook for today. Just rest, unnie, arasseo?" She nodded and slumped on the bed, I giggled and went to the kitchen.

I started cooking Gamjatang, after a while, I finished cooking it, it was a quick cook dish, so I didn't had a hard time.

I called her as I prepared the plates and other utensils we will need. We sat down and started eating, "How is it?" I asked referring to the dish I made.

"It's the best gamjatang I ever tasted!" She beamed, "Nah, I think, it's just like an ordinary gamjatang." I replied, "Aniyoo, it's special you know, because you made it for me." She pouted at me.

After eating, we  cleaned the table and washed the plates. We head to the living room and sat down, "Let's watch some horror movie." 

'Oh, no, everything but that!' I was about to ran away, when she suddenly held me down, I tried to release her grasp, but it's no use, since she's stronger than me.

"Come on now." She said and forced me to sit, the night went on with me, screaming and jumping out of fright.

[WOOH! Sorry for making you wait, but I hope you like it. 2Yeon for you ☺]

 2Yeon for you ☺]

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