Chapter 8: Ignored

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Y/n's  POV:

I woke up because of my alarm clock. I groaned and turned it off, I lazily sat up, still half asleep, after some minutes, I stood up and did my morning routine.

I got dress and went downstairs, where I met my mom and my twin, I greeted them, "Good morning, mom! Good morning, oppa!"

Are you wondering why I call him oppa? Because he's older than me by minutes, yeah, it's funny, I know. But I do respect him so much.

"Good morning to you too, sweetie!" Mom greeted back, "Good morning, lil' sis!" Oppa said.

 "Y/n, come and let's eat." "It's okay, mom. I'll just eat at the school when I arrived. Bye, love you." I kissed her cheek and went outside before she even protest. 

After minutes of walking, I arrived at our school, there are only few students, because it's still early.

I walked until I reached our room and I am really glad that, none of my classmates had arrived, yet.

I want to be alone for the meantime, I sat down and stared at the window.

The bell suddenly rang, snapping me out of my trance, after awhile, the students started filling the empty room, including the School Meal Club.

They smiled at me, but I just ignore them. Soon, the teacher came and started his lesson.

 Dahyun's POV:

We went inside the room and saw Y/n, "Chaeng, Chewy, look." I pointed at Y/n, she turned her head at us, we smiled at her, but just got ignored.

"Chewy, do you think she have a problem?" I asked, "I think so, maybe she needs some time alone, let's take a sit." She replied and sat down.I

'I hope she's okay'. After awhile the teacher came and started his lessons.

Break Time

We packed our stuff, I stopped when I saw Y/n, still sitting on her chair, gazing out side. "Uh, Tzu, Chaeng, you guys go first, and buy us something to eat."

"Okay, unnie. You better be quick, we are already peckish." Tzuyu replied, "Yeah, I'll be quick." They nodded and left the room.

I walked to Y/n's seat, "Hey, do you have a problem? You can tell me anything." I worriedly said to her.

"Ani, it's just that I want to be alone for the meantime. You can go now, unnie, they might be waiting for you. I am fine, don't worry." She said and smiled faintly at me.

"Okay, just promise me that you'll be okay." "I promise, unnie." When I heard those words left her lips, I hugged her, "See you later, Y/n."

"Ne,unnie." With that said, I walked out and went to the cafeteria.

When I arrived, I saw Tzuyu and Chaeyoung already eating, I mentally face-palmed, "Why didn't you wait for me?" I asked as I took a seat.

"You're taking too long, we are starving, so we decided to eat." Tzuyu said, "Where did you go, anyways?" Chaeyoung asked.

"I went to Y/n, I asked if she have a problem." "What did she said?" Chaeng asked, again, "

(A/N: Sorry for the short chap and please vote! Kamsa!)

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