Chapter 25: Check up

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Y/n's POV:

I was currently changing my clothes, it's been a week since the incident occurred. Me and Mina unnie are still a little bit awkward with each other.

But today is an exception, because as she promised, she will come with me when I go to the psychiatrist. She also was the one who appointed me.

Right after I finished dressing up, a knock on my door was heard, "Wait a minute!" I shouted.

I ran down and opened the door and saw Mina unnie, "Annyeong, Mina unnie!"

"Annyeong, Y/n! Are you ready?" I nodded at her, I took my small sling bag before we headed to her car. "Mina unnie." "Ne, Y/n?" "I'm nervous."

She held my hand and caressed it, "It's gonna be okay, hmm? After all, I will be with you for the whole time, if that's what you want." I sighed and nodded before holding her hand, "Thanks, unnie."

Not long after, Mina unnie parked her car and we head inside, we went to the front desk, "Hello! Do you have appointment with Dr. Lee?"

"Ah, yes, we have, is she here?" Mina unnie asked, "Yes, she is, she's actually waiting for you. Ms. Choi right?" She asked, "Oh, this is actually Y/n, Choi Y/n." I smiled and nodded.

The nurse led us to a room and knocked. "Dr. Lee, Ms. Choi have arrived." "Let her in." A feminine voice replied.

The nurse let us in and revealed an beautiful young lady, "Hello! I am Dr. Lee, glad to meet you."

We bowed and introduced ourselves, "Choi Y/n, nice to meet you, Dr. Lee." "Myoui Mina, I'm the one who appointed her."

Dr. Lee smiled and nodded,  "Please, take a seat. Okay, let's talk about your condition Ms. Choi."


After an hour of waiting, the results finally came. We went back to the room I was in earlier.

I held Mina unnie's hand and squeezed it lightly, she showed me her gummy smile, that made me at ease.

"Ms. Choi, I'll go straight to the point. You are currently suffering anxiety, we can treat it, but we need you here every week for a check- up. Please, take care of her, she can have emotional breakdown at times. She will be takibg medications, too." She said the last part to Mina unnie.

"Thank you, Dr. Lee and yes, I will take care of her." We bowed and left, I, still processing what the doctor said.

"Mina unnie, please, don't tell it to the others." "But they can help you too, Y/n." "Please, unnie."

She sighed and nodded, "Okay, I promise." "Thanks, unnie! You're the best!" I said and kissed her cheek, making her blush, I giggled at her.

"D-don't do that a-again." "Come on, let's get you home." "No, you will drive to the dorm and I'll just walk, after I assure you are inside."

We went inside her car and drove off. I noticed that the way we got was the way to my house. "Unnieeeeee~" I pouted at her, but she just giggled at me, her giggles are cute though.

"Yah, don't be like that. You look like a baby." She said, "Wae? You can't resist me, don't you?" Her cheeks turned red as she focused on the road.

I giggled at her and poked her cheek, "Yah! Don't make me blush!" I decided to tease her more.

"Aaww~ Mina unnie is flustered, how cute." She blushed harder, her face is so red, "HAHAHAHA! You're turning into a tomato. I will stop." I said as I saw her glare.

When we arrived, I hopped out off of her car, "Bye unnie, see you tomorrow." "Bye, Y/n! Take care, okay?" I nodded at her and she drove off.

I entered in my house and felt the gloomy atmosphere. I went to my room and took a sleep.

Mina's POV:

Should I let Y/n stay here in our dorm? If not, she'll only feel alone. I sighed and went to my room.

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