Chapter 11: Nightmare

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Nayeon's POV:

When I saw her in that horrendous state, I felt extremely worried, she's still having a nightmare, "Uhm, I think we should wake her up." I said, they nodded at me.

We started to tap her, but it's no use, so we don't have any choice but to shake her body harshly.
"No, no, NO!!!"

And with that she sat up, breathing heavily as she crying, she covered her face with her hands and continued sobbing. I hugged her and soon the others did the same, too.

Y/n's POV: In her dreams

I woke up inside a dark place, I tried to stand up, but I couldn't do so, and notice the cuffs tied on my wrists and legs were tied on a chair.

"Help! Somebody, help me, please!" I shouted as I squirmed on my seat, someone then entered the dark room, "How are you, my dear Y/n?" It was a girl.

"W-who are you?" I asked as fear stated to slowly eat me, "You will know it soon, hon." "I AIN'T YOURS!!!" I shouted back at the unknown girl.

She suddenly walk up towards my direction, "Don't go near me!" I frightenly stated. She leaned kissed my neck, "No! Please, stop, I'm begging you!"

She smiled and said, "Aww, look at you, you're so cute when you're scared." She cupped my face once again.

"NO! Don't touch me, bileo meogul nyeon! [You fucking bitch]" I furiously shouted at her and suddenly cried, "Leave me alone please, let me go." I weakly said. 

 She laughed maniacally, "I won't, because you're only mine, Y/n." "Let me go please, I'll do everything you want, but please, just let me go." I begged at her. "Really? Then, kill them for me."

She pointed at the nine girls, who were tied up and blindfolded, my breath hitched, "No, I-I won't do that."

"Oh, I thought you will do everything I want? But okay then, I'll kill them by myself." 

She laughed nefariously. "I'll kill the love of your life first." The girl laughed and shot her, "No, no, NO!!!"

 ‡End of dreams‡

I woke up, breathing heavily, I started crying again and covered my face with my  hands. I felt someone hugged me, I didn't look at the person and soon more persons hugged me.

"It's okay, Y/n, it's just a dream." Mina unnie said. They broke the hug and looked at me, I suddenly felt cold. 

"Unnie, it's so cold." "Scoot over, Y/n and drink this." Mina unnie said and handed me a medicine, "What for, unnie?" I asked in confusion.

"You caught a fever." Nayeon unnie said, "Oh. Okay, unnie." I placed the capsule inside my mouth and drank it with water.

"You can rest now, Y/n-ah." Jihyo unnie said. "Can someone stay with me tonight?" I asked, still scared that my dreadful nightmare would occur again.

"I'll stay with you." Jeongyeon, Sana and Mina unnie said in unison, uh-oh.

"Of course, unnies, you three can stay with me. Come on, unnies, let's head to sleep, I know you're tired." I said and smiled sweetly at them.

They engulfed me in a warm hug, "Gomawo, unnies. I wuv youu." I cutely said, that made them giggle.

Not long after, I felt my eyelids getting heavier, I closed my eyes, "Jaljayo, unnies." I mumbled and drifted into my own dream land.

[A/N: Do you have any idea who kidnapped Y/n? And who is Y/n's lover? Please comment and vote love you guys 😁]

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