Chapter 17: Favor

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Jeongyeon's POV :

Y/n's girlfriend looked at me and said something to Y/n. She suddenly walked up to me, making me a bit nervous, "Hi! You are Y/n's friend, right?"

'Hey, I knew that already, no need to remind me!  "U-uh, yeah, why?" I nervously asked, "Can I ask for a favor?" "I guess so, what is it?"

"Can you take care of her? It's because, I'm going on a vacation this break and I don't know when I will be back." She pleaded.

"Why don't you tell it to her? She might get mad at you, you know?" She heavily sighed, "I know, but I don't want to see her cry when I leave. I know it'll hurt her, but I need to do this for my family." I honestly felt sad for her, especially for Y/n. 

"Uh, okay. Don't worry, we will take care of her." I smiled at her. At least I can spend sometime with her. "Thank you so much...?"

"Jeonyeon, Yoo Jeongyeon." I introduced myself to her, I think she is not a fan. "Thank you, once again, Jeongyeon-ssi."

"You're welcome miss...?" "Daehee, just call me Daehee." She said and flashed a smile at me. 

"I should go now, Y/n is waiting for me, see you again." She left and went to Y/n, I saw them walk away, hand in hand.

I walked away and headed home. When I arrived, I was greeted by an angry bunny, "Why are you late?!" 

I glanced at my watch and saw, that it was already 6 in the evening.
"Mianhe, unnie, it won't happen again." She nodded and went to our shared room. I changed my clothes before heading to sleep.

3rd Person's POV:

While Y/n was having a fun time with her girlfriend, Jeongyeon kept thinking on what she will do if Y/n's girlfriend left.

It hurts her by just imagining Y/N crying over the girl, meanwhile, the couple decided to live in one roof, they bought a small house that was enough for them.

The lovers felt enthusiastic at idea of living together, when the noon came, Y/n and her Daehee went home.

They spent their night with their family, "Y/n-ah, will you visit us?" Her twin asked as he stared, she giggled at her brother, "Of course, I will. As often as I can, oppa."

"Promise?" "I promise, you have my word." "Okay, then, let's head to sleep now, because tomorrow, I will help you pack your things, arasseo?"

"Arasseo. Goodnight, oppa. Goodnight, mom!" She kissed their cheeks and head to her room. 'Tomorrow will be a great new start.' She then drifted into her own dream land.

[Woh double update!]

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