Chapter 28: Catching up

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Y/n's POV:

Yesterday was a tiring day, when arrived at their dorm, we had a movie night and played some games. I just woke up and it's still quiet, so I guess they're still asleep.

I went downstairs and decided to cook breakfast for them, but stopped when I saw Jeongyeon unnie preparing for breakfast.

"Good morning, unnie!" "Good morning! Uh, Y/n, can we uhm hangout later? Just to catch things up." "Of course, unnie, I'll be glad."

Soon, the others came to the kitchen, joining me and Jeongyeon unnie. "Good morning, unnies!" I greeted and kissed their cheek one by one.

"Wow! You're hyped up today, Y/n. What have you eaten?" Sana unnie asked. "Actuallly, we haven't eaten yet, because we were waiting for all of you." "Aww~ that's so sweet of you!"

The snakes - I mean Nayeon, Momo and Sana unnie hugged me and squished my cheeks, "Uwwies, stwop." My voice got muffled because of the three.

They didn't stop until Tzuyu unnie said, "Unnies, can you please stop? She's clearly uncomfortable." The three scaredy cats stopped almost immediately and sat down.

I sat beside Chewy unnie and whispered, "Gomawo, unnie." She smiled at me and started eating.

After that, Jeongyeon unnie called me, "Y/n, you should change now." "Okay, unnie!" "Where are you going?" Momo unnie asked, "Me and Jeongyeon unnie will hangout later." "Just the two of you?"

I was about to answer, but she beat me to it, "Yeah, just the two of us." I averted my gaze and saw Jeongyeon unnie, Momo unnie pouted at her, making me giggle.

I went to my room and took a quick shower and dressed up after, a knock was suddenly heard, "Y/n, you ready?" "Ne, unnie. Be there in a minute." "Alright."

After I finished my things, I went downstairs and saw Jeongyeon unnie in a black turtle neck and pants.

She looks cool and hot at the same time. How could she do that?!

She went to me and blindfolded me, "Unnie, why do you have to blindfold me? Where are we going? You aren't going to kill me, right?"

She chuckled, "You ask too many question, just wait and we'll be there soon."


After an eternity of walking, we finally stopped, "We're here! 1...2...3!" She took off the blindfold, I adjusted to my surrounding.

There, I saw a beautiful forest and a blanket with a picnic basket on top of it, it was placed under a big tree.

"Woah! Unnie, it's beautiful!" "Glad you liked it. Come on, let's sit there." She said and pointed at the blanket, I nodded and followed her.

"It's been a while since we hanged out, Y/n." "it really has, unnie, and I really missed it. Since we are hanging out, why don't we go to the river?"

She smiled at me and nodded, "Okay, who gets there last, will be a slave for a week." I shouted and started running, leaving her behind.

I arrived at the river and sat down, waiting for her to arrive, I saw her at a distance, catching her breath. "Ha! You're going to be a slave for a week!"

She sat beside me, "This day is a nice day, unnie." I suddenly felt my heart ache, that made me clench my chest.

"Hey, you alright?" "N-ne, I-I'm fine, unnie." She stared at me worriedly, but I just gave her a small reassuring smile.

"Let's head home -" "Come on, let's go back to our place, unnie." I held her hand and went back to the tree.

While we are eating, we shared a lot of memories and somethings to catch up, "I had an asthma when I was a kid, and fortunately, it got cured, but I think it's going back now."

"You should go for a check up." "It's okay, it's nothing major." "Let's head back to the dorm, you can stay for another night." I nodded and we packed our things and headed to their dorm.

We arrived at the dorm and knocked, the door opened, revealing Dahyun unnie, "You guys are late, the boss' are angry."

I gulped at her statement and went inside, only to witness an angry bunny and an angry jiggly puff.

We nervously walked towards them, "Where did you go? Why are you two late?" Jihyo unnie asked, "W-We just hung out."

They picked our ears and scolded us the whole night, for being late and for not inviting them.

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