Chapter 20: When will you be back?

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[Ms. Myoui, please cover those. You'll kill Onces.]

Y/n's POV:

It's been a week since she left, it's been a week, too, since I started drinking non-stop, not eating eating properly and feeling lonely.

'When will you comeback? I miss you so much.' I felt my cheeks getting wet, I quickly wiped the tears away.

The door bell rang, I went to the door and opened it, my eyes widened, "U-unnies, how did you know that I live here?" "Did you forgot that I drove you here last week?" Jeongyeon unnie asked, "Oh, right. Come in, unnies."

They went inside and saw how messy the house is. 'Aish, I forgot to clean it up.' "Why is it so messy? And why are there so many bottles of beer?" Jihyo unnie asked.

'Uh-oh, I'm doomed now.' "U-uh, I- i forgot to clean it a-and I-i've been d-drinking since l-last week, hehe." I can feel my legs trembling.

"What?! Why were you drinking?!" 'Sorry, unnie. I can't tell you the reasons.' I just hang my head low.

"It's okay, if you don't want to tell us, Y/n." Mina unnie said, I quickly hugged her, shocking her a bit, I cried on her shoulder.

"Sshh, it's okay." She said once again, "Mina unnie, can you stay here with me? Just for this night."

She glanced at Jihyo unnie, asking permission, Jihyo unnie nodded, "Of course, but for now, let's play and have some fun, alright?" Her voice is really soothing, I nodded at her.

The day had passed, the others already left, leaving Mina unnie with me. "Y/n, do you have a problem?"

"I miss her, unnie. Everyday, I wish she rings that doorbell and be back with me, and I'm always asking myself, 'When will she comeback?' or 'Will she even comeback?' Those questions were always in my mind." Mina unnie let out a heavy sigh.

"You know, Y/n, sometimes, there are things or person that's not meant to be with us or to be for us. You should wait for her. And remember, we're always here for you. Come on, let's get to bed."

I shook my head and went to the kitchen and grab a beer. When I went back, I saw Mina unnie glaring at me, "What?"

"What, 'What?' Give me the bottle." She demanded, "Just this one, unnie." "But you have been drinking for the past week. It's not good for you."

I sighed and went back to my room, the beer still in my hand.

I quietly drank it, halfway through, Mina unnie opened the door. "Come on, Y/n. That's enough." She said softly and this time, I obeyed her.

"I'll just change, unnie." She nodded and I went to the bathroom and change my clothes.

When I went back, I saw her already sleeping peacefully. I pulled a blanket over her and decided to sleep on the couch small inside my room.

Mina's POV:

I woke up in the middle of the night and didn't feel Y/n beside me, I sat up, seeing her sleeping on the couch.

"Y/n, Y/n, wake up." Her eyes fluttered open, "What is it, unnie?" 'Well, that was hot. Aish, stop it, Mina.' "Why did you sleep on the couch?" "I don't want you to be uncomfortable, unnie."

She slightly smiled at me, "Come on, I'm more comfortable when someone is beside me." She nodded and flopped on the bed, quickly falling asleep.

"Goodnight, Y/n." I kissed her forehead and went to sleep as well.


I smell some competition 😏

Anyways, I got tired doing piles of assignments and decided to update at least one chapter and one book.

How are you guys doing?

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