Chapter 39: Unnies Fight

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Jeongyeon's POV:

"Sana unnie!" Y/n shouted, she's so loud. After a while, I didn't hear them anymore, so I thought that she might be at her room with Sana. Nayeon unnie disappeared, too, so I guess, they are together.

Jihyo then came out of her room, "Jeongyeon, where is Y/n? She needs to drink her medicine." "I think, she is in her room."

"Wow, what a responsible girlfriend you are." She replied sarcastically, I just chuckled at her, she proceeded to the maknaes room.

She quickly went out, "Y/n is not here." "What?! She's here like, five minutes ago." I exclaimed, "Aish, Y/n!" Jihyo yelled, but no answer from Y/n.

"I think, she went out with Nayeon unnie and Sana." I said, sice they're the one I saw her with, "Those two, really. I'm going to call them."

3rd Person's POV:

Jihyo called Nayeon first, but it just keep ringing, she tried once again, still, no response, "Nayeon unnie is not answering her phone." She said.

"Try calling Sana." Jihyo dialled the older girl's number, after a few rings, Sana picked up.

"Yeoboseo?" "Yah, Sana, is Y/n with you?" "Uhm, aniyo." Sana lied, "Tell me the truth, is she with you?" Jihyo said in a authorative voice, that made Sana shiver.

"Okay. Yes, she is with me and Nayeon unnie." "What?! Why did you brought her out? Get home now." Jihyo angrily ordered, making Sana tremble in fear.

she hanged up, and gulp the lump in her throat. "Jihyo-ah, where are they?" Jeongyeon asked, "They went out with Y/n." "Those girls will get some good scolding."

The three girls went home, immediately greeted by an angry ostrich and an angry jiggly puff, "Hehe, h-hi, unnies." Y/n greeted.

"Get inside, now!" Jihyo said, the three hurriedly went inside and sat on the couch.

"Y/n, why did you sneaked out, huh?" Jeongyeon asked, "I-I just w-want to go out, b-because I've been inside the dorm since I g-got out of the hospital."

Jeongyeon rubbed her face out of frustration, "And you two, why did you brought her out?"

"Well, Y/n is right, she has been locked up and we just did what makes her happy." Sana spat.

"You could've asked for our permission." Jihyo replied, "But will you let us? No, right? So, why bother?" Nayeon replied, with annoyance.

Meanwhile, Y/n sneaked out, once again, the four girls not noticing her. "It will only make things worse if she don't go out." Nayeon said once again.

"Do you think it's healthy for her to just stay here? If yes, then, fuck you, Jeongyeon, you are the worst girlfriend."

"Well, fuck you, too, something could have happened to her!" Jeongyeon shouted, "Do you really think that we'll let something bad happen to her?!" Sana retorted, slowly losibgher patience.

"The girl just want to go out, just for once, why can't you do it?. Her mom had an argument with her, because of her father.

That means she don't have anyone, but us, she wants someone to understand her." Nayeon spoke softly, her eyes were full of worry and sincerity.

"You know, what? Let's stop, nothing good will happen if we kept arguing like kids." Sana said as she dragged Nayeon with her.

Jeongyeon and Jihyo sat down frustrated, "I really am a fucked up girlfriend, Nayeon unnie is right."

"Maybe, we shouldn't have been that protective. They were right, Y/n won't get any better if she just stay in the dorm." Jihyo said.

"Come on, I think we should rest." The leader continued, Jeongyeon nodded and went to their room.

When the night came, Y/n decided to go out and clear her mind for the meantime. As she she arrived at a park, she sat on a bench. "I wish, this damn asthma will be gone."

"Hello there." She looked back and saw a figure, with black coat and a black hat, "W-who are you?!"

The man quickly grabbed her, and placed a handkerchief on her mouth, she suddenly got dizzy, she can't fight back anymore.

"Boss will be glad to see you." The man said and laughed wickedly.


안녕! I will be taking a short hiatus and this is my last update for now. I might be back after our school year, which is the end of the month of June. Kindly wait for me, 감사합니다!

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