Chapter 37:Hospitalized Pt.2

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3rd Person's POV:

It's been three days since Y/n was hospitalized, she is getting better, which is great. Though, she always complain about the food that the girls always give to her.

"Hey, Y/n, you need to eat." Jeongyeon said, convincing the girl to eat, "NO! I always eat that and I'm getting sick of it. Jeongie, buy me another food, please." She whined.

"But this will help you recover faster." "Recover my ass! That porridge don't even taste good, how would that help me recover? And it's not like I have a bad illness." She scoffed.

Jeongyeon sighed heavily as she gave up, "Fine, I will buy you food but make sure you are going to finish it." Y/n nodded her head, Jeongyeon left to buy food.

'I still have five days. I can't take it anymore, this hospital is so boring.' Y/n thought, she took her phone and contacted Mina, "Mina unnie, can you buy me gummies?"

"Jeongyeon unnie might get mad, you know." "Oh, come on, unnie, she won't know." "Aish, fine, but this is your idea, alright?" "Ne, unnie, Kamsahamnida~."

Y/n's POV:

I giggled at Mina unnie and waited for their arrival. The door opened revealing Mina unnie, "Unnie, you came!" "Of course, and as I told, I have gummies with me!" "Waah~ you really brought some?!" She nodded and giggled at me, "Where is it, unnie?!"

"Shouldn't I get my reward first?" I nodded and kissed her cheek, she handed me the packets of gummies and ate one pack, "Unnie, do you want some?"

She nodded, she opened her mouth as I place a gummy, "Do you like it, unnie?" "Yeah, but it's too sweet. You better drink water." I hid the other packets under my pillow.

"I'm seriously jealous." I looked up to see Jeongyeon, "Jeongieee, you are back!" "Mianhae, unnie." Jeongyeon laughed at Mina unnie.

"I'm just kidding, Minari, why are you here anyway? Not that I don't like you to come."

"Y/n told me she wanted some company, so I came here." "Did you eat already, unnie? You can join us." "I would love to. Jeongyeon unnie, how is Y/n doing?"

"She's stubborn as always, mostly complaining about her food, that's why I went out to buy her food." Jeongyeon said glaring at me, "HEY! It's not my fault that the food here sucks, you know."

"Yah, Y/n. You should listen to Jeongyeon unnie." Mina unnie said, "She is stubborn as me, unnie, always teasing me." "Aish, you two, really."

We finished our food and Jeongyeon cleaned the table, "Mina unnie, can you stay?" "I really wish I could." I pouted at her, "I'll come here tomorrow with the others."

I instantly smiled, I really miss my unnies. "Unnie, please, tell them that I miss them." She nodded, "I need to go Y/n, be good, alright?" "Ne, unnie." She kissed my cheek and left.

Suddenly, a pair of arms was wrapped around me, I looked at Jeongyeon and saw her looking at me lovingly, "Waeyo?" I asked, "Nothing, I just want to hug you, I miss cuddling with you."

She then laid beside me, "Are you tired, Jeongie-ah?" "A bit." "Let's rest, it has been a long day for you." She chuckled, "You really are taking Mina's words, huh?" I laughed and slightly smacked her shoulder.

"Of course, I do, and I know you are really tired, because you are always taking care of me these past few days. I honestly feel bad."

"Hey, hey, no need to feel bad, I want to take care of you, anyways. And I love to be by your side." She said softly, I nodded at her and engulfed her in a hug.

"I love you, Jeongyeon-ah." "I love you too, my sweet Y/n. Let's sleep now." I nodded and closed my eyes .

Jeongyeon's POV:

I smiled at her, she looks so peaceful, I am lucky to have this girl by my side. I would like to stay with her until the end. "I love you, Y/n-ah, I will never leave you."

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