Chapter 16: Midnight

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Jeongyeon's POV:

I woke up in the middle of the night, I went to the bathroom and saw myself on the mirror, 'I look like a zombie.'

I washed my face and changed my clothes. I sneakily went out of the dorm and went to a bar.

I arrived at the bar and sat in front of the counter. I ordered some beer and drank a whole bottle of it, I cried until me eyes can't produce tears.

Nayeon's POV:

I suddenly woke up and roam around my eyes around the dim room, I noticed, that Jeongyeon isn't here and that made me panic.

I went all over the dorm, but still no trace of her. I wake the other girls, "Girls, wake up! Jeongyeon is missing!" I shouted at every room, I heard them running around their room, panicking.

"What?! Where would she go in the middle of the night?" "Why would she even leave?" 'Oh, right. They still don't know that she got turned down.'

Jihyo approached me, "Unnie, where would she go?" "She usually stays at a park. Let's go, and the maknaes will stay here in case she comes back."

With that, we left and searched for her in the middle of the night, we searched for her until we got exhausted. My phone rang, I immediately answered it.

"Hello?" I asked. "Unnie, Jeongyeon unnie is here, she just came and she's really drunk." Dahyun said, "We'll be there."

I hung up and called the others, we hurriedly went back to the dorm.

I knocked at the door, not long after, it opened, revealing Tzuyu with heavy eyes. We went inside and was met by a crying mess Jeongyeon, it hurts seeing her like this.

I sent the girls a look, they nodded and left us, "Hey, Jeongyeon. Where did you go? Why are you drunk?" "I just w-want to forget her for a-a while, unnie. It hurts so much."

"Come on, let's get you to bed." She wobbly stood up and walked upstairs, while I assisted her on the way.

I opened the door and tucked her on her bed, I took some fresh clothes and changed her.

"T-thanks, unnie, I never knew you could be this caring." She chuckled, 'At least she's a bit okay now.'

"Of course, I'll take care of you. You're a sister to me, after all." She then, smiled at me.

"Goodnight, unnie." "Goodnight, Jeong." She fell asleep, while I still scroll through my phone.

3rd Person's POV:

Nayeon is scrolling through her phone, but her mind was somewhere else.

Thinking on how did Jeongyeon sneaked out of the dorm, she became worried at the thought that someone might've recognized the younger one at the bar and post it online.

After a while, her eyes started to feel heavy, she tried to fight it, but ended up falling asleep.

★The next morning★

Jeongyeon's POV:

"Ugh, my head hurts." I groaned. My eyes roamed around the room and didn't saw Nayeon unnie or Jihyo.

'I guess they are already downstairs.' I went downstairs with a aching head, 'I think I really got drunk last night.'

"Hey, Jeong! How's sleep?" Momo asked, "It's alright, but got a head ache the moment I woke up. Did you guys ate already?"

"Yeah, and there's some food left in the fridge, just heat it up, unnie." Mina answered and smiled at me, 'Cute.'

I went to the kitchen and heated the foods. After waiting for some minutes, I took the food out and ate silently.

When I finished, I cleaned it up and decided to go for a walk, just to clear up my mind. "Nayeon unnie, can I go outside?"

"Where are you going? And what are you going to do?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at me, "Just at the park, I will just walk for a while."

She made a thinking gesture and said, "Okay, you may go. But promise me one thing, you won't drink." "I promise, unnie. I will go now, bye." I left and went to a park.

As I am walking, I saw a familiar figure with an unfamiliar one, I walked not-so near the figures and it happened to be Y/n and her girlfriend.

The girl is also beautiful, I think that's the reason why Y/n liked her. 'Ugh, I went out to clear my mind, not to witness this kind of shit.'

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