Chapter 27: I'll Make You Believe

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Y/n's POV:

It's been three days since Daehee came and stayed here, which is not really good, she's so clingy and flirty.

It always make me mad and stressed out. The TWICE unnies is not around because of their world tour.

I'm still doing my best at our school, same goes with the Maknae unnies when they don't have any schedules.

The other TWICE members found out that I have anxiety and scolded us for keeping it a secret, I feel bad about Mina unnie, though.

 Right now, I'm here in the living room, watching boring shits. I went to the kitchen and grab a beer. "Stop drinking for once." A familiar voice said.

 "I don't want to, why do you even care?" I replied and looked at her coldly. "You could die if you don't stop." "It's better to die than to live in this hell." I spat and drank the beer.

"You are the cause of this, the day I knew you had another person, I started drinking non-stop, whenever I feel sad, alone or frustrated, I drink.

 And you don't care about it. It is my life, I'll live." "I do care, because I still love you." I bitterly chuckled at her.

"You? Love me? HAHAHA! You got to be kidding me." I'm feeling a bit tipsy because of the alcohol.

 "You don't believe me, huh? I will make you believe, then." She said and sat on my lap, "Don't you dare do what you are thinking."

 She didn't stop and kissed me, I just look at her, not caring about her. She then trailed down to my neck, "Stop."

 "Do you really want to?" She replied and continued what she's doing. "I said, STOP!" I pushed her off me, her lips forming into a smirk, "I see, you still love me-" "I don't, do not assume too much."

 The smirk not leaving her lips, while I just look at her blankly. "Slut." I mumbled, fortunately, she heard it and scoffed and left.

 "BYE, BITCH!" I shouted , the alcohol running in my system.


    A week had passed and TWICE unnies were coming back today, I'm at the airport right now, waiting for their arrival.

 I just played games on my phone as I wait for them. After an hour, they still haven't arrived, so I decided to take a nap for a while.


 "Y/n, wake up, Y/n~" I opened my eyes and stretched out, "Oh, hi, unnies. Did you just arrive? What time is it?" I asked, my voice still husky.

 "You sound hot, Y/n." The snake- I mean Sana unnie said. "It's six in the evening, and yes, we just arrived." Jihyo unnie said.

"WHAT?! I slept that long?!" "What time did you wait for us?" "Since 12 pm, hehe." "Did you ate already?" "Are you tired?"

 They bombarded me with questions , "I'm fine, unnies, should we head home now?" "We should eat first, you must be hungry." Jeongyeon unnie said.

  "I'm not, and it's ok-" My stomach suddenly growled, embarrassing me, they giggled at me. 

 "Come on, let's eat before we head home." I nodded and we went to a restaurant near the airport.

 When we arrived, a waiter approached us, "Table for ten, please." Nayeon unnie said, the waiter led us to our table and gave the menu. 

 We ordered a bowl of tteokbokki, steak, and cheese kimbap.

 After eating, we went out and saw TWICE's van, we head to the van and knocked, "We have been searching for all of you, where did you go?"

 "Sorry, unnie, we treated Y/n for dinner, since she waited so long for us." Sana unnie explained, "Okay, get inside and I will drop you off." We went in and Pinky oppa drove off.

"Y/n, how's school?" Dahyun unnie asked, "It's alright. Our teacher gave us a group project." "Who's in your group?" Chaeng unnie asked.

"The three of you." "You made the project by yourself?" Chewy unnie asked, "Ne, it's not hard. Just amini bot."

"That was hard." Momo unnie said, "Aniyo, it's really easy, it's a waste bot. It was this big and I got it back yesterday."

"You're really smart." Mina unnie said and pinched my cheeks, "Unnie~" "How does it work?" Nayeon unnie asked.

"It picks up any kinds of trash." "Can it throw Momo, too?" I laughed at Jeongyeon unnie, "Ani, ani, it can only take light weight objects."

"That's great! You made a great job, Y/n." Jihyo unnie said as she pat my head, "Thanks, unnie. The score is 100, by the way." "WHAT?!" They shouted in sync.

[Three updates for today yey! Hope you like it, always stay at home and don't forget to wash your hands whenever you needed. Annyeong!]

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