Chapter 43: Back Home

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Y/n's POV:

We finally arrived at the dorm, Jeongyeon placed me gently on the couch and me, being the stupid me, tried to stand, "Yah. You might slip, Y/n-ah." Jeongyeon scolded.

"Let me, I want to walk, even though my legs are still weak. Will you help me?" She sighed and nodded, she held me by my waist and guided me to our room.

"You know, you shouldn't force yourself." "Well, I don't want to burden you and the girls." She then stopped walking, so I did, too.

"You're not a burden, alright? We are family, we'll not leave you." I nodded and she kissed my temple and proceeded on walking once again.

"I could've die if ITZY didn't saw me." She turned her gaze at me, "I shouldn't have argued with the girls, this would not happen if we didn't argued."

"It's no ones fault, okay? When I got out of that room, I am really weak, I just forced myself to get up, or else I will die. I limped my way out of that shitty place, fortunately, the girls saw me and helped me. They have a kind heart, just like all of you."

We both sat down as she suddenly hugged me, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry that you have to go through that situation." I rubbed her back, "It's okay, my love. It's okay, you don't have to blame yourself."

We stayed like that for a while, "Jeongyeon, Y/n, get down here!" Jihyo unnie shouted, "Coming, unnie!" Jeongyeon helped me once again, guiding me downstairs carefully.

Dahyun unnie suddenly appeared, "Yah, unnie!" I shouted, she looked at me, confused, "What?" "Where did you even came?" Jeongyeon asked.

"From my mother's womb! HAHAHAHA!" We stared at her weirdly, Jeongyeon lead me to the living room, leaving the laughing tofu behind.

"She's going crazy, I swear." Tzuyu unnie said, "Yeah, you are right. She's so high these past few days, I don't know why." Sana unnie said, the others nodded at her and I sat down.

"Wait." The girls averted their gaze at me, "What's with the black bags in the unnies' room?"

They suddenly chuckled nervously, when I mean they, all of them, except Dahyun unnie, "What is happening? Care to explain?" They turned their heads to Jeongyeon, I did the same.

"W-well, Nancy called us y-yesterday a-and told us that if we d-don't do as she say s-she will kill you. S-so we prepared some weapons to use, hehehe."

"What kind of weapon do you have? Kitchen wares?." I burst out laughing hysterically, Sana unnie suddenly slap my arm.

"Yah, that hurts! My wounds." I said and pouted, "How dare you laugh at us like that?" Chaeng unnie asked, "Well, is it true? That your weapons are kitchen wares?"

They nodded, making me laugh again. Ugh, my stomach hurts from laughing too much. Damn. "I -I'm sorry, I just thought that, it was really funny, cause you know, those kitchen wares can't do anything, except for the knife, compare to guns." I said as I tried to hold my laugh, they looked at me, clearly annoyance.

"I'm still grateful, you prepared all of those WEAPONS just to save my ass." I said, emphasizing the word, "It doesn't look like you are grateful though. Oh, I know, you should treat us when you recovered." Momo unnie said, I nodded at her, "Okay then, I promise to treat you when I recover."

They all cheered, I hugged Jeongyeon's waist, making her flinch a bit, she hugged back, "Y/n-ah, your graduation is near." I hummed, "Same for the maknae unnies."

"Y/n, do you want to play games?" Chaeng unnie asked, "Yeah, let's go." She nodded and started walking, "Uhm, unnie, a little help?" She chuckled and walked back to me, "Sorry, I forgot."

I smiled at her and guided me to their room, "Oh, hey, Y/n!" Dahyun unnie greeted.

"Hello, unnies!" Tzuyu unnie greeted me too, "What do you want to play?" Chaeng unnie asked, "Let's play Mario Kart." We gazed at each other and got the controllers.

"Who looses will wash the dishes for three consecutive weeks!" Chaeyoung unnie said, 'Ha! I know I will win. I even won against Mina unnie.'

The four of us started playing, Chaeyoung unnie and Tzuyu unnie are behind Dahyun unnie, who is getting near me.

"I will beat you, Y/n/n." "You thought, that would never happen, unnie. I even beat Mina unnie, you know? You don't stand a chance." I replied, with confidence.

Soon the game ended, and guess who won? It's me! "I won! Three of you will wash the dishes for three consecutive weeks. I told you, Dahyun unnie, I will win." I said, teasingly smirking at her.

Chaeyoung unnie is whining, while Tzuyu unnie is trying to make her stop, "Jeongieee!" I dramatically shouted, I heard heavy footsteps.

"What happened?" She asked worried, "Nothing, carry me." She let out a relieved sigh and crouched down, "Get on." I climbed on her back, my head resting on her, "You're so warm."

We arrived at the living room and saw the other unnies, "Hi, Jihyo unnie! Oh, and by the way, the maknae unnies will wash the dishes for three consecutive weeks."

She looked at me confused, "Yah! How come you greeted Jihyo but not us?" Nayeon unnie asked, I only shrugged, "Why?" Jihyo unnie asked.

"They lost a bet." She nodded, "Wait, what? A bet? What kind of bet?" "Well, you see, unnie. We played Mario Kart, then Chaeyoung unnie said that who looses the game will wash the dishes. And I won, sucks for them."

She slapped my arm as she heard the word 'Suck ', "Will you stop hitting me? My wounds are hurting." I said and faked cry. She scrunched her nose, and mumbled something then left.

*When the Maknaes were playing*

The girls were watching T.V when a news suddenly popped out. "Momoland's Nancy reportedly kidnapped a girl, the police arrested her earlier and is now investigating the said case.

The girls she kidnapped was said to be a close person with TWICE along with JYP himself. Nancy will go through the court to face everything."

"Good for her." Sana said, "Y/n needs to show up in the court, so Nancy could face her consequences." Mina said.

"And she needs witness for the trial, which can be us and ITZY."
Jihyo said, "Yeah. Nayeon unnie, come with me, we'll talk to PD-nim." The latter pouted but eventually gave up.

"Mina, call manager unnie to pick you up." Their leader reminded, Mina nodded, "Oh, please tell it Y/n." Mina said and left with Momo.


Another update

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