Chapter 33: Wonderful Morning

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up with a massive head ache. Ugh, I hate this. I'm not drinking again. I felt a body beside me, I averted my gaze and saw Jeongyeon sleeping peacefully.

 I snuggled into her, "Good morning, love." She greeted, her voice still hoarse, "Oh, sorry, did I woke you up?" I asked.

 "Yeah, but it's okay." She smiled and kissed my forehead. "Should we get up now?"

"I still want to cuddle." She replied. "Okay, then." I snuggled more into her, suddenly, a several knocks was heard.

 "Hey, love birds! Get up now, breakfast is ready!" Nayeon unnie shouted, "Okay, unnie!" I replied. 

 "Come on, let's go down." I said, "Five more minutes." "Do you want them to get angry?" She groaned and got up, "Piggyback ride!" I exclaimed cutely.

She chuckled and crouched down, I climbed on her back, "Let's go?" I hummed in response, I'm still sleepy, so I decided to take a nap.

Jeongyeon's POV:

I went downstairs, with Y/n on my back. "Good morning, unnie, good morning, Y/n- oh, she's still asleep." Dahyun said.

She fell asleep? Soon, the others came to the living room, "Aaww~ look at Y/n she looks so cute and tired." Momo cooed. 

"Yah! what did you do to her last night?" Sana asked, smirking. "Yah! Yah! I didn't do anything, alright? Can you please get her off of my back?"

Nayeon unnie and Jihyo picked her up and placed her on the couch, "She's so cuuute!" Sana squealed, "Sshh!"

The others shushed her, "Oops, sorry, hehe." "Should we eat?" We nodded at Jihyo and headed to the dinning room. 

After eating, I went back to the sofa to check up on her, she groaned and slowly got up, "How's sleep?"

She cutely rubbed her eyes and looked at me then smiled. Her smile is going to kill me. My heart!

"It's okay, did you eat already?" I nodded at her. "Do you have schedules today?" "Nope, we're off for a week."

"We should go for a vacation or just amusement park with the girls." I looked at her, "When, though?"

"Today!" "Okay, I'll tell it to the others, eat first alright?" She nodded and went to the dinning room. 

I went to the room and saw all of them inside, "Glad all of you are here, Y/n said that she wanted to go to an amusement park." "So?" Tzuyu asked, I glared at her.

 "She wanted all of you to join." "Really?! Come on, let's get ready!" Sana said and excitedly and went to her room.

I heard a bunch of, 'Okay' and 'I'll get ready.' I left and went back to Y/n, "Are you done eating?" She nodded at me, "By the way, the girls are excited and getting ready." I said, back hugging her.

 "Really? That's good then. You should dress up, too." She said and I smirked, "Can we dress up together?" She blushed, as red as a tomato, "Yah!" I laughed at her, "Okay, okay. I'll change now." 

 I pecked her lips that made her blush once again and ran. "YOO JEONGYEON!!!" She shouted, I laughed loudly inside my room.

 After changing, I called her and told her to change, she smacked my shoulder and went inside the room.

After sometime, she got out of the room. "Woah!" I stared at her, my mouth slightly agape, she caressed my chin and leaned on my ear. 

"I might melt, babe." She said and winked at me. B-babe?! That's seriously new. She giggled at my shocked reaction, "Let's go, we should probably get going."

 We went to the living room and where we saw the girls. "Are you guys ready?" "Yeah! Let's go!" We shouted and hurriedly went to the van.

✅Typical Girl (Jeongyeon x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now