Chapter 45: Vacation

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Y/n's POV:

Yesterday, we decided to go on a vacation to celebrate more. We'll go to a beach, I have my stuffs packed and ready, "Y/n?"

 I turned and saw Jeongyeon, "Yeah?" "Are you ready? The girls are really excited." She said as she flashed me her signature side smile.

 "I am, let's go?" She nodded and took my stuffs, "You know, I can carry those." "I don't want you to get tired, we still have something to do later." She whispered darkly in my ears, I blushed and ran.

My face is still heating up, "Y/n, your face is red. Are you okay?" Dahyun unnie asked, "N-Ne, unnie, it's just hot today."

She nodded and took her luggages, walking towards the door. "Come on, guys! Don't be a slow poke." The girls ran to the van excitedly.

I suddenly felt lips on my cheeks, "I like to tease you." She said as she grinned at me, "Oh honey, you should be careful, you might not know that the one you're teasing can do better than you." I said and winked at her, her gulped didn't go unnoticed.

 I proceeded to the van and sat beside the driver's seat.

3rd Person's POV:

The drive was silent, not until Y/n whined to Jeongyeon who's driving. "Jeongieeeee~" She held Jeongyeon's arm and shook it.

 "Yah! I'm driving, you can tell the girls what you want." Y/n looked back at the girls, who are drinking and eating.

 "Hey, how can I tell you that I want Jeong?" The girls started choking as Jeongyeon blushed madly.

"W-what are you talking about?" Jihyo asked, the girls' minds are drifting into some inappropriate stuffs. 

"What? Is something wrong?" Y/n asked innocently, "N-nothing." Sana replied, "Jeong, can you go faster? I'm getting impatient." Y/n whined again, "We'll be there in a minute."

 Y/n slumped back at the seat and sulked. "Oh, come on, I promise you, we are near. I'll treat you anything you like, just stop sulking." Y/n's sparkled.

 "So, can I have you?" She asked with innocence. The girls started choking and coughing once again, "Yah, Y/n!" The girls shouted.

"What? You like Jeongie, too? Sorry, but she's only mine."

 "Sheesh, what did you even ate? You sounded like Sana." Nayeon complained, "Oh, I ate, hmm... ramen!" The girls facepalmed as Y/n responded at Nayeon's question. 

They finally arrived at the beach, Y/n's eyes sparkled with joy, "We're finally heeerrrree! Jeongyeon, drive faster!" The girls covered their ears, getting annoyed by the second.

They soon came in a halt, "We're here." Jeongyeon announced, Y/n immediately went down the van and ran.

"Y/n! Comeback here! Aish, why is she so childish?" Jeongyeon said as she chased Y/m.

She finally caught the younger's wrist, "Yah. I told you before, we have much time to enjoy." Jeongyeon scolded as she pull Y/n gently back with the girls.

"Come on, let's rent a guest house." Jihyo said, the girls following behind her, they approached the receptionist.

"Hello! Do you have a house that can fit ten persons?" "Yes ma'am, how long will you stay in?" The lady asked, "For about three days."

"Three days?! Yah, Jeongyeon! I thought we have much time to enjoy this beach?!" Y/n said as she repeatedly slap Jeongyeon's arm.
"Yah, it hurts! Fine, fine! Make it five days." The lady smiled and nodded, "Please, follow me." The girls nodded and trailed behind, they soon came into a simple house, "Please, enjoy your stay!" The lady said and left. 

Y/n immediately ran inside, unpacking her stuffs. "Babe." Jeongyeon called out, she saw Y/n unpacking her stuffs.

She decided to approach her girl and back hugged her, making Y/n flinch. "Oh, hey, Jeongie." She greeted, her eyes still focused on what she is doing.

Jeongyeon buried her face on Y/n's neck and soon started kissing it softly. [Oohhh is something going to happen?]

Y/n's breath hitched, "J-Jeongyeon stop it." "Do you really want to stop?" Jeongyeon asked as she made the latter face her, staring at her beautiful brown orbs.


Wooh! Finally updated. Sorry for being inactive these past few weeks.

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