Chapter 13: Outcome

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Y/n's POV:

Dahyun unnie and I were now good. As I walk down the hallway, heard gossips, saying, that there would be a new student transferring in our school.

I headed to our room, the bell rang indicating that the class will start. I saw maknae unnies walked in, "Hey, Y/n! Sup?" Chaeng unnie said.

"Hi, unnies! Been doing good!" I said and smiled at them, "Oh, anyways, did you guys heard the news?" I asked, "Hmm? What news?" Tzuyu unnie replied.

"A new student will transfer!" I beamed, "New classmates are boring." Chewy unnie muttered, "They're not. Well, of course, at first, they will. They'll eventually cope up, you know?" I clarified.

"Still." Soon, our teacher came with a girl beside her. "Hello class! As you can see, we have a new student joining out class. Please, introduce yourself." Ms.Park said.

 "Hi! I'm Jeon Daehee, I'm 20 yrs old and you can call me Daehee." She stated cheerfully. "You can sit beside Ms. Choi. Kindly raise your hand, Ms. Choi."

I absent mindedly raised my hand, she walked to her chair gracefully, "Hi!" She greeted. "H-hi, y-you're so beautiful."

I stuttered and my eyes widened as I realized what I just said, "I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to." She giggled. 'Gosh her giggles are cute.'

"Thank you and it's okay, no need to apologize." She said and smiled. 'Oh my, her smile makes my heart beats fast.' I felt blood rushed up to my cheeks.

'Shoot!' "Hey, are you sick? Your face is so red." She said worriedly, "I-I'm okay." I replied shortly, we stopped talking for a while and listen to our teacher.

[A/N: If you're confused why she's 20, it's because they're in college and Y/N is a smart ass, so she's at the same level as the others.]

★Break time★

The bell rang indicating that it's time for our break time, "Hey, Y/n. Can I eat with you?" Daehee unnie asked.

"Of course, unnie. I will introduce you to my friends, if you don't mind." "I don't mind."

We packed our stuffs and headed to the cafeteria, she suddenly held my hand, which caused me to blush, "Mianhae, I'm just nervous." She said, "I-it's okay unnie." I said and smiled at her.

"Hey, unnies! You won't mind if she join, right?" "No, not at all. Let's introduce ourselves. I'm Dahyun, the eldest among us three."

"Hi! I'm Chaeyoung!" "Tzuyu is the name." We all sat down, "Unnie, you shouldn't be plain when greeting others."

Tzuyu stared at me, "Don't care." She replied and continued eating, "Sorry about her, she's not fond of meeting new people." I said to Daehee unnie as I eat my sandwich.

"It's okay, I understand her." We had some little chat her and there, until the bell rang.

We simultaneously stood up, "See you tomorrow, Daehee unnie. It's sad, that we only have four classes together. Bye!" "Bye!"

I went to Dahyun unnie and clung on her arm, I leaned in and whispered, "Chewy unnie is sulking." She giggled and lightly smack me.

??? POV:

I was planning to confess to Y/n after school, I just hope she feels the same way. My phone vibrated, I open it and saw a new message from Dahyun.

Dubuuu⬜⬜: Unnie, Y/n have a new friend and she's beautiful. I even saw her blushing. Here's the girl. 

Blushing?! Aish Y/N, you're making me jealous

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Blushing?! Aish Y/N, you're making me jealous. I should make a move right now.

[A/N: Sorry for the boring chapters, and I'm running out of ideas 😐]

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