Chapter 42: Glad you're Safe

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3rd Person's POV:

"Jeongie?" Y/n asked, the girls widened their eyes, as they saw Y/n finally awake, "A-are you okay? Does anything hurt? H-how are you feeling?" Jeongyeon frantically asked, that made the latter giggle, "Hey, hey, calm down. I'm fine." She said and smiled at the older girl.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Jeongyeon sobbed out, "Shh~ it's not your fault, it's no one's fault, okay? Look, I'm perfectly fine."

The other girls scoffed, "Fine? What do you think is fine if you have wounds and bruises?" Tzuyu asked, the latter let out a sigh and looked down.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have ran out." Jeongyeon suddenly hugged her, "It's okay, I'm just glad you are safe." Y/n burst into tears, hugging her girlfriend, "That bitch is so cruel, I'm going to kill her."

Tzuyu's eyes shot up and narrowed, hearing the younger girl's sentence, "Who is that girl, Y/n? Tell me. And I'm going to rip her body apart." Jihyo slapped Tzuyu's arm as she heard her.

"It's Nancy." "You mean, Momoland's Nancy?" Chaeyoung asked, Y/n nodded. "How did you know each other?"

"We're in a relationship back then. But she cheated on me, so I broke up with her, we didn't last long, maybe just a month."

"I am so going to make her life like hell." Sana said, that made the girls surprised, they didn't expected something like that to her from the squirrel.

"We'll report this to the police immediately." Mina stated, making the girls nod, "I'm sleepy." Y/n said, yawning.

"Get to sleep, we will wake you up later." Y/n nodded and closed her eyes, she really is exhausted and her body is still aching.

The girls left the room and went to the living room, where they met ITZY, "Hey, girls!" Dahyun greeted, the five girls stood up and bowed.

"No need to be formal. Thank you for taking care of Y/n, she's really important to us."

"How is she?" Yeji asked. "She's sleeping right now, I have something to tell you girls. I know I can't keep this a secret for a long time." The girls stared at senior, waiting for her to continue.

"Did she told you why she was living with us?" "No, she just told that she lives with you guys." "Hmm, I see. Well…to be honest, Y/n is my girlfriend."

The five girl's jaws dropped, their eyes almost popping out of it's socket, "What?! S-since when?" "Erhm, we started dating since my birthday."

"We never knew." The nine girls let out a nervous chuckle, "It's because I want to surprise Onces, but JYP knew about it.

He just don't just want to announce it publicly yet, same goes for us. Please don't tell it to anyone, let's just keep this a sceret for a while."

The five girls nodded in understandment. TWICE stayed at ITZY's dorm for a while, they talked to one another and joked with each other, trying not to be so loud as Y/n was sleeping.

When the noon came, the girls are waiting for Jeongyeon and Y/n to come down, "Y/n-ah, we need to go home now." Jeongyeon said in a soft tone.

Y/n groaned and opened her eyes, "Jeongie, I-I still can't walk properly." "It's okay, princess. I will carry you, alright?" Y/n nodded weakly.

Jeongyeon carried her gently, trying not to hurt her. "Y/n-ah, d-don't run away, okay? I nearly lost you." Jeongyeon sobbed out, the latter stared at her in worry.

"Mianhe, Jeongyeonie, I-I..." She was cut off when she felt soft lips connected with hers, she closed her eyes trying to save the moment in her memories.

It's one of the best thing she felt. "Saranghae, Y/n-ah. I won't let you go this time, I promise to protect you with all of my heart." Y/n smiled and left a small peck on Jeongyeon's ckeek.

"YAH, JEONGYEON-AH, HURRY UP!" Nayeon shouted, making the couple laugh. "Coming, unnie!" She proceeded to their van carefully.



Just kidding 😂

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