Chapter 7: Goodnight

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Jeongyeon's POV

Minutes had passed, I decided to wake Y/n up, "Y/n-ah, wake up." I said as I tap her cheek softly.

She opened her eyes and asked, "What time is it?" "It's past 9." I replied and smiled at her.

Y/n's POV

My eyes widened. 'Did I really slept that long?' "I'm sorry if I slept." She smiled at me, "No, no, it's totally fine."

"Jeongyeon unnie, can I go home now?" "Of course, let's go." She replied and led me to her car.

"How far is your house?" she asked. "It's only a block or two, unnie." "Okay, then." She replied softly.

She started the engine and drove in a normal speed, after some time, she stopped in front of my- I mean, our family house.

"Is this it?" She asked, I smiled and nodded,  "Yeah, this is our house." She went out and went to my side, opening the door, like what she did earlier.

Once I'm in front of our door, I faced her, before hugging her and left a kiss on her cheek, "Gomawo, unnie. Good night."

I smiled at her shocked face, "G-good night to you, too, Y/n." She said, "I'll go now." She continued and went to her car, before leaving.

I went inside and saw my mother and twin, smirking at me, "What? Is there something on my face?" "Care to introduce her to us?" Mom asked.

"Introduce, who?" "Her, the one who sent you home." "You don't know her? She's a member of TWICE." Her face was hilarious.

"Jinjja? You're kidding me, right?" I laughed softly, "I'm not, mom." "You just kiss your idol on her cheek."

I blushed at her comment, "I-I just showed my gratitude to her." "Sure, sure." She said teasingly.

"Y/n, remember what I said, no relationship on the first day." Oppa said, I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Of course, oppa. Who would even have a relationship with someone they just knew?" "Whores would." Mom slapped his arm as I laughed at his answer.

"You're right. I'll go up now. Good night." I bid and went to my room.

I went to the bathroom and changed in to my pajamas, I laid on my bed, staring at my galaxy designed ceiling.

Not long after, I felt my eye lid getting heavy, I yawned and drifted to sleep.

(A/N: Sorry for the short chapter.)

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