Chapter 22: Thought You Love Me

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[Mina's quiet, but seriously dangerous]

Y/n's POV:

It has been a month since me and Mina unnie hung out and right now, I'm here in my house, doing nothing.

Me and Daehee calls each other sometimes or even have a facetime, still, I felt alone. Since she hasn't called me this week, I decided to call her. 

"Hello?" A male voice answered, I became nervous, the thought of her leaving me is too much for me to handle.

"Hi! Is Daehee there? And, who are you?" I asked politely, "Yeah, she's here and I'm her boyfriend." Replied the man from the other line. 

"Oh, okay, just tell her that her friend said hi. Thanks!" I quickly hung up, feeling my eyes tear up. Suddenly, tears were running down my face.

My heart can't hold the pain and sorrow anymore. I went to my bedroom and saw our picture in a frame.

I picked it up and threw it on the wall, "How could you fucking replace me just like that?!" I felt  drained.

"You could've told me that you are with someone else. You should have broke up with me." I threw everything that can remind me of her, letting all my emotions out.

Jihyo's POV:

We decided to go to Y/n's house, since it's been a while when we last saw her, "Lets go, girls. Let's surprise, Y/n." I said and the girls nodded, we rushed out and went to the van.

When we arrived, I was the one knocked on the door, because these crack heads were fighting.

There was no one answering, suddenly, we heard a shout and a loud thud inside.

"What was that?" Jeongyeon asked, "Mina, do you have a spare key?" "Uh, no." "Quickly search for a key." I commanded.

We quickly searched for a key and luckily Dahyun found one under a pot. [A pot, really? Yeah, a pot. It's too common if it's under a mat so bear with me lmao] 

We quickly opened the door and went inside, we still heard the loud thuds, we ran upstairs and went in front of a room.

"Should we go in?" I asked, "Yeah, something bad might happen to her." Nayeon unnie said.

I opened the door and saw picture frames and other things smashed and scattered on the floor. I heard a sob at my side and averted my gaze, where I saw Y/n crying.

I hesitantly went to her and heard her mumbling, "Why did you replaced me? I thought you love me." I looked at the others, saw them with a worried expression.

"Hey, Y/n?" She wiped her tears and her eyes widened the moment she saw us, "What a-are you doing here, unnies?"

"We are here to surprise you, but I guess, we're the one who got surprised, hehe." I answered.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She said and stood up, "Where are you going, Y/n?" Mina asked, "Just going for a walk, I'll be back. You guys can stay here."

With that, she left, "Y/n, wait for me." Mina said and ran. "What just happened?" Momo asked, we sighed and face palmed.

Y/n's POV:

I went to the usual convenient store, where I buy beer. "Hey, Jack-Jack, nice to see you again. Can I have my usual?"

"Of course, Y/n. Coming right up!" I waited for him to come, the door suddenly opened revealing Mina unnie, panting heavily.

"Unnie, what are you doing here?" "I followed, obviously." She said in between her heavy breathing.

"Oh, you don't need to, unnie. Do you need water?" She nodded, I grab a bottle of water and handed it to her.

"Thanks." Jack came back with two beers in his hand, "Here's your favorite, Y/n." "Thanks, bro! Here, keep the change. Come on, unnie. Let's go to the park."

[Wooh finally updated! Sorry for the long wait!]

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