Chapter 29: Can I court on you?

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3rd Person's POV:

After their hangout, Y/n and Jeongyeon became close again, just like when they met each other. And Jeongyeon here is planning to court to Y/n. 

The time that the younger rejected her, she felt angry, sad and betrayed, but she eventually set it aside.

It wasn't Y/n's fault and her love is stronger.

Now that they feel comfortable with each other again, she decided to try once more.

Jeongyeon's POV:

The girls knew that I still love Y/n, even though she rejected me. After her break up, the girls kept pushing me to pursue her. I told them, that she still needs to move on.

And now that she had, I'll try to give it a shot, "Jeongyeon-ah, Yoo Jeongyeon." Nayeon unnie called.

I stared at her in confusion, "What?" I asked, "What 'What?' Go and ask Y/n!"

 "Can you wait? I'm still thinking-" I got cut off by her, "You shouldn't think about it anymore. Come on, I will help you get dressed."

She grabbed my arm and dragged me to our room, "Unnie, you're too excited!" I whined out. "Yah! Shut up and get ready!" She shouted.

 "You shut up, bunny! I can take care of myself!" Suddenly, Tzuyu entered our room, "Can you shut up? Both of you." She said, glaring at us.

 We gulped and nodded, she left, slamming the door close. "She's scary." I nodded at Nayeon unnie.


I invited Y/n to go to a park and luckily, she agreed. We are currently at the park, just walking around and have chats here and there.

Suddenly, a little girl appeared and went to our direction, Y/n crouched down and asked,"Hello! What's your name?"

"I'm Minjee! Unnie, you're beautiful!" She said and gave a flower to Y/n, "Why thank you, you're so sweet, Minjee-ah. Where are your parents?" 

She looks cute interacting with a kid. "Minjee!" A woman shouted, "Bye, unnies! My mom is calling for me." She then kissed Y/n's cheek.

Wow, I wish I could do that too you know. "Bye, Minjee, take care." She suddenly looked at me, our eyes meeting each other, "What?" "You look like a mother." She chuckled and sat on a bench, I followed her.

 "Hey, Y/n." I called out, "Yeah?" "You know, the day you rejected me, I still love you, until now honestly. And I am here, asking for your permission. Can I court on you?" I said in a soft voice.

 "I-I-" "It's okay if you don't want to." "No, no, unnie, it's okay, you can." She smiled at me, I stared at her in utter shock, "A-are you serious?" She nodded at me once again.

 I hugged her out of happiness, "Ah, mianhae." I broke the hug and scratched my nape nervously, "It's okay, come on unnie. Let's go to your dorm." She smiled and held my arm, making me feel shy. Today's the best day!


We arrived i front of the dorm, "Should we knock or just go in?" She asked, "Let's scare them!"
We sneakily went in and saw all of them on the couch.

We crawled at the back of the couch and I nodded her, "BOO!" "AAHH!!" They all shouted, their face clearly shocked, while me and Y/n just laughed our ass out. 

"Yah! Don't do that again!" Sana, Momo and Jihyo said. "Oh, look what we have here. Y/n, what took you here?" Sana exclaimed.

"Unnie, you sounded like a pervert." Dahyun said, we laughed at her statement, "Oh, it's nothing. But Jeongyeon here have something to say." 

"What is it? Did you cause a trouble again, huh?" Jihyo asked, "What? No!" "Then, did you do something to Y/n? Did you raped her?!"

Y/n laughed out loud, "Momo, no!" "Then, what?" "Can you let me talk first? How can I tell y'all, when you are interrupting me?" I asked in annoyance.

"Okay, just ignore them, unnie." Tzuyu and Mina said in sync, I let out a heavy sigh, "Well, Y/n, she-" "She's pregnant?!"

"What the. Unnie! Let me fucking finish!" "Just tell it already." Dahyun said, "She… she agreed." They all squealed in happiness.

"My ship has finally sailed!" Nayeon unnie shouted, me and Y/n covered our ears because of their loudness, except Tzu and Mina.


Double update!

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