Chapter 40: Kidnapped

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[Heads up! This will be a long chapter.]

3rd Person's POV:

The man quickly carried Y/n and brought her in his van, he smiled wickedly, knowing that he made a great job capturing the girl. 

When he arrived at their hideout, "Hey, boss! I got her." He said proudly, his boss turned around, facing him. "Good job, now, here's my payment for what you did." He bowed and left his boss with the girl. 

 "You are finally in my hands, once again, Y/n. I think you will be happy once you wake up." The mysterious person said, grinning widely like a insane person. 

The girls are pacing back and fort inside their house, thinking where in the hell Y/n is. After they argued, they didn't saw Y/n, heck, they didn't even knew she ran away, once more.

But the thing they are worried about is, Y/n hasn't got home and it's already night, they knew Y/n won't stay out late at night. "Should we got to the police now?" Jihyo asked.

"But they can't file a missing person's case, if the person is missing less than 24 hours." Mina said.

Jeongyeon has been spacing out, not knowing what to do, no one can blame her, though. She just found out that the person she loves is missing.

"Then, we will find her ourselves!" Dahyun said with determination, Chaeyoung, along with the other girls, nodded.

"If they can't help us find her, then we will. Let's go." Nayeon said, they quickly dressed up, mask and hats covering their faces, they went out, searching for Y/n in the dark night.

Y/n is slowly gaining her consciousness, her eyes still adjusting at the light, she felt her hands tied up, so does her feet. 

Suddenly a shadow towered her, making her frightened, "W-who are you? What d-do you need?"

The person turned, "I just want you, Y/n-ah." The person said and grinned, Y/n's eyes widened. 'That voice, I know that voice.' She thought.

 "N-Nancy?! Let me go!" Y/n shouted, "I won't, you are mine, my love." She replied and cupped Y/n's cheeks, "Don't touch me with your filthy hands! I don't love you anymore!" 

 "That is the reason why I took you, I will make you fall in love with me, once again." Y/n squirmed in her seat, trying to loosen the ropes, but it's no use.

She angrily stared at the girl in front of her.

 "You will pay for this. Once I get out of this place, I will make sure you will suffer!" Y/n growled, "No one will save you, Y/n. No one will know you're here." 

"They will find me, Jeongyeon will find me." Nancy fakely smiled, "If that's what you say, I'll leave for now." She kissed Y/n's cheek and left, the latter could only grimace in disgust. 

She then searched for things that can help her out, but unfortunately, she saw nothing. She can only pray for herself and wish that someone will help her. 

The nine girls were still outside, at the park, exactly where Y/n was kidnapped, they tried to call her, and heard her phone rang.

"Let's go there! I heard her phone ring!" Tzuyu shouted, they ran and saw Y/n's phone on the ground.

"W-what? Is she... Did she got kidnapped?" Jeongyeon asked, the girls could only wish that Y/n is alright.

Suddenly, a phone rang, "Yeoboseo?" Jihyo asked, "If you want to see your beloved Y/n alive, meet me at the xxxx building this coming Sunday, 10 pm. Don't make me wait, or else she will die." The girls trembled in fear as the call ended, "What w-will we do n-now?" Chaeyoung asked. 

"We'll go to her, we will save Y/n." Jeongyeon said, determined to save her girlfriend, of course, who wouldn't? 

 "Let's go back home, tomorrow morning, we will prepare the things we need, if this means Y/n will be in risk, then this will be a bloody war." Jeongyeon said in a monotone voice, scaring the eight girls. "Prepare for a war."


The morning came and Y/n woke up, feeling her stomach growl, the door busted open. Revealing Nancy, with a whip in her hand, "You are finally awake, my love."

"I am not yours!" Y/N shouted angrily, Nancy only smiled at her.
"What about a deal? I will let you go, but you need to kill your lover."Y/n's eyes widened, she can't do that, especially if it is Jeongyeon.

 "I won't do what you say! I don't care if I will suffer, I will not hurt her!" Nancy gripped tightly on the whip, and whacked Y/n with it, "AAHH!" then she felt another one.

I'm okay, you are okay Y/n, you have to do this for Jeongyeon.' She thought to herself. 

Y/n's POV:

 What did I do to deserve this?! Jeongyeon-ah, please, save me, someone, please.' "Aarghh!" Another whack was felt on my back, "P-please, stop."

Nancy laughed, "I will only stop if you follow my orders." "I will never follow you!-AHH!" She then walked out, I let my head hang low and my body getting weaker.

The door opened again, Nancy walked in, this time, with a knife in her hand. "Look, I have a present for you." She grazed the knife across my stomach and I only could groan in pain.

"I already contacted them, too bad, they will only see your dead body. You know, if I can't have you, then no one can." 

I gritted my teeth, "I'm going to kill you, you bitch!" "Do it, if you can. I still have business to do, so I'll go now, my love." She left, forgetting to bring the knife with her. Stupid bitch.

I picked the knife with my feet, once I can reach it with my hands, I quickly picked it up. 

 Slowly, I got out of the ropes, "That girl don't how to think." I mumbled to myself. I searched for another way out, other than that door, but unfortunately, there is none.

Guess I will be using that damn door. I limped my way to the door and slowly opened it, I saw two guards.

Oh, come on! I then walked outof the room, their heads turning to me. "Hi." They ran to me and attacked me.

I dodged one of them and sliced the taller one's stomach making him hiss in pain. I swiftly turned knife and did the same to the other one.

"Did Nancy even trained you? You guys are so weak." Lmao, where did my confidence came from? I spu the knife and sliced them again and again, until the lost conciousness.

Hopefully, the don't die. "Goodbye, bitches!" I said and walked away.

3rd Person's POV:

Y/n limped her way out, enduring the wounds she forgot she have, every second her body is getting weaker.

She arrived at a park, slowly sitting down an a bench, "Someone, please, help me." She mumbled and passed out.

Minutes came by, a group of girls came, where they met a bloody and bruised girl. "Unnie, should we help her?" The older girl nodded, "Please, pick her up."

A short haired girl came and picked Y/n, "What do you think happened to her?" "Maybe she got in a fight." "Poor girl."

When they arrived at their house, they cleaned her up and treated her wounds and bruises.

"Let's go, let her rest." The girls nodded at their leader and went out. "Do you think she'll be okay?" "I hope so."

"She's pretty wounded, but I think she'll be okay." "Yeah, maybe she just got invovled in a fight." "Girls, it's getting late. Let's head to bed." "Ne, unnie."


Aye, this is the longest chapter I made in every book. This chapter contains 1.3k words lol, anyways, hope you like it!

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