Chapter 35: Heart Attack

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Y/n's POV:

Today is an another boring day, I am currently at my shared house with Daehee, glad she is not flirty anymore.

The girls are at the JYP building, maybe I should go surprise them later.

But first, I will prepare lunch for them. I already cooked their food which is Kimbap, gungjung tteokbokki, gyeran, japchae, heotteok and a healthy vegetable salad.

After preparing their lunch, I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I dressed up in a comfortable casual clothes.

"Y/n, where are you going?" Daehee asked, we became friends now, I guess. "I will just go to JYP, why?" "Nothing, we should hangout sometimes." "Why would we even hangout? 

"We are friends now, right? It wouldn't hurt if we hangout." "You're right, I guess. But we can hangout next time, bye!" With that, I ran out.

When I'm near the building, my heart ached, causing me to place my hand on my chest. No, not again. I breathed heavily.

When the aching disappeared, I walked inside the building like nothing happened. I headed to their practice room and knocked, "Come in!" A voice said, which is Jihyo unnie.

 I grinned and opened the door, "Hey, guys!" They all looked at me in shocked, "You guys look like you saw a ghost."

I chuckled, "Y/n!!!" I averted my gaze and saw Nayeon unnie, Momo unnie and Sana unnie, running to me, "Hi, unnies!"

They pulled me into a group hug, squeezing the hell out of me, "C-can't breathe." "Hey! Off my girl!" 

They quickly released me form the hug and ran away. "Hey." "Hey Jeongie, I prepared lunch for all of you." "Really? We should eat now then. Girls, come here, Y/n made us lunch!"

The girls ran towards us and quickly grabbed their lunch that I was holding, "Guys, slow down. The food will not ran out, it's separated into nine."

They suddenly turned their heads to my direction, "What?" "Why did you do that?" Sana unnie asked, "Eh? Did what?" "Why did you separated it?" Momo unnie asked, "What is wrong with that?"

"It means we only have limited food. We can't have more." Dahyun unnie said, my mouth formed an 'O', "Well, it's not going happen again."

 "Don't worry about them, babe." "B-babe?" I asked, "Why? Don't you like it?" She said and winked at me, I covered my face as I felt my face turn red.

"Aaww~ are you blushing, Y/n-ah?" She teased and started tickling me, "S-stop- HAHAHA, s-stop it, b-babe!" I stuttered out, she stopped and looked at me.

 "Hey, you two. Stop flirting and eat with us." Jihyo unnie said. "Hehe. Mian, unnie. Jeongie, come sit with me and let's eat." She gladly obeyed and we ate together.

 After eating, I stood up and suddenly, my heart ached badly, "Argh!" I yelled in pain, I clenched my chest and dropped down on my knees.

 "Y/n, what happened?! Are you alright?!" Jeongyeon asked, I nodded at her, "Yeah, j-just need some rest." I replied weakly.

 She carried me and placed me on the couch, "Are you really okay? We should probably bring you to the hospital." Mina unnie stated, "It's okay, unnie. I-I'm fine." I replied and smiled at them.

 "Should we head home now?" Tzuyu unnie asked, "Y/n needs to rest for a while." Jeongie said, "Jeongie" "Hmm?" "C-can I hug you?"

She smiled and nodded, "Of course, you can. Anytime you want." She said and kissed my forhead, I hugged her tightly and buried my face at the side of her neck.

Not long after our embrace, the pain appeared once again, "Aarghh!" I clenched my chest, I can't take it anymore, "Y/n!"

I looked at Jeongyeon, feeling my eyes getting heavy, "Y/n, stay awake, please. Y/n!" Then everything went black.


Three updates! What do you think will happen to Y/n, hmm?

Three updates! What do you think will happen to Y/n, hmm?

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