Chapter 5: Classmates

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Y/n's POV:

After our recess, I headed to my next subject English, which I really love. As I enter the room, I saw TWICE's maknaes.

'Oh my gosh! My idols are here, too!' I fan-girled inside my head but remained remained my straight face.

I proceeded inside and sat at the back row beside the window, I'm kind of a loner, so don't judge.

We were still waiting for our teacher to come, so while waiting I decided to take a nap.

TIMESKIP- 15 mins

 The teacher came, "Hello class, sorry if I'm late. By the way, I'm Mr. Jung." He said, we then stood up and greeted him, "Hello, Mr. Jung!"

"Please, take a seat. We have new students, can you all introduce yourselves?" The four of us stood and walked in front of the class.

"Hi! My name is Choi Y/n! Nice to meet you all!" I smiled at them and bowed.

 "Hi! I'm Kim Dahyun!" "Hi, I'm Chou Tzuyu." "Hi! I'm Son Chaeyoung, I think you all know the three us us right?" She asked, "Ne!" the class answered.

"Ms. Choi, you're the twin of Choi Beomgyu, right?" A guy asked, I blushed out of embarrassment, "A-ahh, n-ne, I am."

"You're so beautiful." I felt my cheeks reddening even more, "K-kamsahamnida." I replied and rushed to my seat, I cupped my cheeks, hiding my fluttered face.

3rd Person's POV:

The three maknaes were struck by Y/n's beauty, she is so elegant and quiet just like Mina.

Now that they know her name, they have some thoughts running in their minds.

'Should I approach her?' Chaeng thought.

'She's cute!' Dahyun thought.

'How can she be so beautiful?' Tzuyu thought.

 The bell rang, snapping the three out of their thoughts. "Class, before you go. I want you all to pass your notebook." Their teacher announced.

The maknaes panicked, since they only wrote half of their lesson, because they are busy thinking about a certain girl.

Their classmates took out their own notebooks, passing it to the front, before going out of the room.

Y/n did too and left, the three took their notebooks and passed it in front with a nervous smile, before rushing out.

"Jihyo unnie will definitely get mad at us if she knew what we did." Dahyun blurted out.

"Agreed." Chaeyoung and Tzuyu said in unison, making them giggle.

As they walk out they saw a familiar figure, they walk up to that person and it happened to be Y/n.

The girls exchanged looks, contemplating who should talk to the younger girl.

Dahyun let out sigh and gathered up more courage and approached the latter, "Hi, Y/n!"

It startled Y/n a bit, "Oh uhm... Hi." "Why are you walking alone? Where's your twin?" The cub asked.

"I just like to being alone. How did you know I have a twin?" She replied, more like a whisper. 

"It's kind of around the campus. You know, gossips." Tzuyu said, "Ah, yeah." "Would you like to come with us?" Dahyun asked.

Y/n lower her head blushing, because her idols just asked her to come with them.

"O-of course. W-where are we going, by the way?" Y/n asked, "It's time to go home, so basically, we are going at the dorm." Tzuyu calmly replied.

Y/n's mind stopped working for a minute, processing the words she just heard from the older girl.

'W-we are going to TWICE's dorm!? How can I be so lucky?' Y/n thought.

(A/N: Lame 😐)

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