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"Listen... Listen to me"  he held his shoulders "you can never loose yourself! Can you hear me!"

"Aahh!!" the other guy screamed out his pain, he held his head tightly and fell on his knees. Still hanging onto his friend's grip he struggled to overcome what his inner self was changing into, a wenchful monster.

"No no.... Dont ever loose it.... Think about them... THINK ABOUT THEM!!!" his friend's voice echoed waking him from his deep senses that entangled his soul. He felt like he was being woken up from his stupor, suspended into depth of a place from where nothing could escape. Again a sharp peak of pain striked his nerves and he yelped "Aah !"

His eyes flushed and the blue hue disappeared changing back to his normal eye colour when he gained his senses. He laid on the floor holding his friend's hand tightly, breathing hard like as if his heart and mind went through walls of knives.

"Are you okay" his friend asked and he nodded silently

"I'm sorry" he apologized

"Why are you sorry? Listen, Your the only family i have, and i shall not let you suffer this horrible pain alone"

"What if he came out. God! "

"No, we can never let that happen again, it was hard but still we have been keeping him sleeping inside for 7 years, we shall never let him out i will help" his friend breathed and hugged him tearing out.



He gulped down his most painful memories that crunched his past into it. Barely anything he could remember from those days except his friend who struggled alongside him to fight the way.

Little that his mind knew that his pain was taken in by another self, not him, but being a part of him, without his knowledge. That was a way it paved to tone down the impact of those painful memories. Even now he cant recall but when the other self is woken up the memories bloom from nowhere.

Thats when he turns into a beast ready to kill, harm or even destroy anything or anyone. No more emotions linger inside him, it loses control over itself and dies back into him only when his true self wakes back up from its sleep.

Till now only his friend has been able to bring him to his senses or even control him from turning into a horrible beast. He is the only family he has after all.

But will he be able to hold back the desire of his other self to remain alive???
Will he be able to control him the next time it wakes up??

What if he ends up killing another person like last time??..


The monster inside him had dared to take out the life of an innocent, brutally tortured and hung upside down from a tree in the woods outside the country limits.

The only person who knew all this was his friend, he had even faked an alibi once to make the police believe it wasnt him when they came for  interrogation. That much he saved him from being exposed.

Like this they tried their all to keep it from the outside world, its been seven years already and he hasnt transformed into that monster until now, but today it was a little stronger. It was more powerful than ever to come out that he passed out as soon as he woke up from the struggle.

Why?? Was there something that changed now?? Or was it because he had grown weaker?? What was the trigger now?




A/n : Hey all!!! Do vote, comment when you read, this is the second book after a long time research.

For those who know me -  hello!! Nice to meet you again
For new readers - hi im beannssluv, my first book was My Poisonous Cure. Do read that too :-)

I'll soon be back with the characters and story...
Please wait until then🙈

Love u all
With love beannssluv

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