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Both exclaimed together and exchanged disgusted looks at each other.

She nodded brightly and went inside,
“I’ll bring the bag and the wallet”

Jimin shook his head,
“is she okay?? I don’t want to go anywhere, not with you!”

Jungkook sighed in disappointment,
“I’d just fall off the balcony”

She came jogging non-chalant at their whine with a bag and a purse in the other hand.

“Here you go” she hung the bag on Jimin’s neck with him pleading her not to do this.

“Please I'll buy you an ice cream, don’t do this, this is me, committing suicide” his gaze fell on Jungkook.

She shook her head, “come on be a sport” she patted his head and moved on to Jungkook.

He silently turned the other way and pulled out his phone.

“Uh-Hi! Yeah I’ll be right there” he faked a call and tried to move out but she grabbed his belt and pulled him close,
“This is the wallet with some money” she snatched his phone and replaced it with the wallet.

“I’d rather die” he swore with a dead expression on his face as she pushed the two from behind up till the door.

“Don't forget to buy the groceries and your coffee. Jimin you promised me an ice cream” she smiled and waved at them.

They stood out on the porché gesturing her to abandon the idea but she flung the door close ignorantly.

But Jungkook held it from closing.

“What?” she asked.

He smirked, “I can’t guarantee you that we won’t fight”

She sighed, “you should do this to develop some friendship between you two, now go” she tried to close it again when Jungkook quickly gestured Jimin to add on.

“Yeah yeah, we might fight, argue and who knows rip off each others throat accidentally” he winked at him.

She slit her eyes, “you can’t do that. Please”

“Then come with us” Jungkook raised his brows.


“Rijin we promise we won’t fight if you come with us” he shrugged his shoulders.

Jungkook nodded and expected her to change her mind.

After what felt like a few moments of deep thought she finally sighed and agreed to go along, making them feel a little better. It wasn't about the two but it was her. Leaving her behind after the incident that day was stupidity. And they knew it.

They went to the store and began to collect the items they wanted to buy. Jimin kept close with Rijin as she was surfing through the rack of cakes and muffins.

"You know I really wanted you guys to make up" She said as her hands trailed the shelves "but I'm third wheeling in my own plan"

Jimin smiled and patted her "we won't unless you aren't with us. So forget about all that and enjoy your time here"

Jungkook came to them with a huge pile of snacks in his arms,
“I need some help here” he announced.

She nodded and went to take half of it in her hands,
“why do you buy so much, hold on I’ll get you a trolly” she strolled.

Jungkook shot Jimin a winning look and walked away with a smirk. Just then Jimin’s eyes fell on the ice cream fridge reminding him about rijin wanting it. So he went over but was accidentally knocked off by a man in a black hoodie and a cap.

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now