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Every little corner of the street had sunk in darkness; the dim light shining from the sky, lit the only track that ran in the middle of the street. It was dead silent, occasionally broken by the cricking of the cricket, somewhere in the far.

Echoing in that atmosphere was the sound of his heels stepping forward down the street in all black. It was a he, as it was too masculine for it to be a she, assumptions over belief. But that wasn't the peculiar thing about him, he carried something in his arms, more like a human, with long hair dangling, heavily resting on his broad shoulders onto his back. It was very floppy as seen by his ease of carrying, probably unconscious but dead would fit more in description. Abruptly he stopped and pulled out the hand bag she had tangled around her neck and threw it on the way as he walked.

After some distance he dropped her on the ground and turned around to check if anyone was around. Fortunately the entire place was stranded or maybe it wasn't coincidence. He chose the right time and the right place for this work to done, as usual. He then slowly kicked her body sideways making it fall into the already dug hole on the ground. After it landed he bent low and pushed the face with a broken wooden plank lying on the side to check if she was surely dead. She didn't move an inch, paler and eyes half open with her chest fixed was more confirmatory she was dead.

The degree of mutilation her body had suffered showed the torture she would have gone through before dying, her face was all drenched in blood, her jaw dislocated and her hands in an abnormal bent posture with her abdomen bleeding from many holes bored in. Feet were broken and the nails of her fingers chipped off and even a few missing. All showed she was rather murdered.

"Bye my darling" he whispered and covered up her body with sand "can't believe you left me because of my love. Was it so troublesome to you?? That you decided to die in my hands??" and stepped on it making it tight. It had begun to drizzle and a few showers dampened the dig. He smirked in a creepy way and leaned forward,

"Even the heavens are crying for your loss because you're special, guess why? You're my 25th and I loved you the most" he laughed loudly at his own victory. His laughter echoed the whole street until it died out when he picked up her handbag that was lying a little far and walked back. One last stare at the ground where she lied, dead, buried under the rain.

That stare wasn't the one of sympathy but of insanity and psychopathy, eyes shining in blue as he turned around unbothered and went on to search for his next target.

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now