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She looked up in no hope of living, but wavered the moment she met his eyes,

She tried to reach him for help but could barely move. A flicker of hope lingered her heart when her gaze seeked him.

"Please.... Please save me" she begged knocking her head on his thigh.

He gently stroked her head making her weep more.

"Don't worry Rijin, I'll save you" he sighed and leaned closer to her face.

Taehyung smirked watching them quietly.

Jimin slowly lifted her chin up, his gaze meeting her's up close, for a split second of disbelief she froze at its colour.

It was blue.

Exactly like the one the murderer had.
"Ji.. Jimin?"

"Isn't this what the real Jimin would have told?" he asked slowly pulling his lips into a cunning smile.

Words denied to come out of her mouth adding to the loss of breath her anxiety evoked

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Words denied to come out of her mouth adding to the loss of breath her anxiety evoked. She spaced out after so many things rushed inside her head at once.

So all this while It was him... the man she trusted the most.... The man whom she knew the longest.

"It was you??!! You tried to kill me thrice? ... You killed all those innocent girls?"

"Uh-huh don't jump to hasty judgements sweet heart" Taehyung got up from his seat as he spoke.

She glared at him half crying while Jimin stepped back without a word but only a smirk playing on his face.

"The thing is, yes, it was he who killed them and I provoked him but they weren't innocent, none of them" he pulled out a choco stick from his pocket. Slowly bit off the end and savoured the taste as she continued to glare at him hatefully.

"Hm these were my favourite since childhood but I had to throw them away for a while because they weren't good enough to exist not for me" he said casually and smirked.

Not to ignore, his smirk was the most scariest of all, she knew he was up to something really erratic when he did that. 

"You don't believe me? Do you?"
He pointed a finger at her and looked here and there like he was searching for something,

He picked a torn piece of newspaper clipping and showed the picture,
"see Rijin, this was the truth of those beauties. One girl cheated on her boyfriend, the other, that athlete, she used illegal drugs to catch the top spot you know. I only helped Jimin give justice. Don't get mad at me"

She spit fire at him with the most hateful glance and gained breath to interrupt.

"Minah-ah" she whispered barely loud enough for them to hear.

"Huh? What did you say?"

She took in another deep breath and muttered the name again,
"Minah, what mistake did she do"

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now