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"I'm sorry you made me so crazy
You know you do"

She sang entering the gate of the college.
Even though she was immersed in the song she spotted Jimin waving his hand walking towards her.
"hey hye-"

"YOU CAN CALL ME MONSTER. I'M CREEPIN IN YOUR HEARTBEAT" she sang loudly and danced before him.

Jimin scrunched his nose and closed his ears.
Everyone were eyeing her weirdly and passed by. Unable to handle the embarrassment he shut her mouth and pulled out her earphones.

"HEY! WHY??" she whined.

"Don't embarrass me, stop doing this. People are seeing you weirdly" he said smiling awkwardly at others.

She gritted her teeth. "Fine. But give back my earphones" she snatched it from him and stomped her way to the classroom with him behind her.

It was a free class and they decided to finish their assignment. Jungkook was busy writing his assignment.

"About what you told at the trip" she began but he hushed her and shook his head.

"I don't want to talk about anything related to the trip with you. You don't deserve an explanation" he answered coldly even without giving her a chance to finish what she wanted.

She scoffed angrily and then remembered about the assignment.
"I would rather die than be paired up with you" she scrunched her nose and mumbled to herself.

 "I would rather die than be paired up with you" she scrunched her nose and mumbled to herself

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He heard it.
"Your destined with me" Jungkook shrugged.

Apparently her homeroom teacher had paired them up in twos and asked them to write down literally 27 pages of paragraphs and essays on specimens and their descriptions.

Like an astrologer, Rijin deduced her future too. Whether she pairs them according to their seats or based on roll numbers, either way it was like watering the plants on a rainy day. By fate she would get paired up with that one person she hated the most, Jeon Junkbox.

"Shall we go to the garden because there are a lot of mosquitoes here" he said eyeing the bunch of girls who were fangirling over him.

"No. I'm sitting here. I won't go anywhere, if your so troubled, get a mosquito repellent" she said adamantly.

He sighed and pulled her out with him.
"Yah leave me" she tried to force her hand out of his but he was too strong.
'Your better off as a handcuff rather than a human' she thought.

"Fine. I'll come" she said sliding her hand out of his with all her might.

She heard her name called far off,
"Rijin!!!" she turned and saw someone running to her really tiny.

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now