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The only place she ever liked in the whole school was the garden which was filling up a quarter of the campus at the back of the main building.

She sat there thinking something deeply just then a few girls rounded her up,
“ohh here’s the newbie, what is she doing, is she counting the trees?” asked one girl.

“Nah, you think so? she made two guys fall for her the moment she entered. She must be counting the guys. Huh! such a flirt” one more commented.

Kayei kept quiet ingnoring their presence. Who would wanna pick a fight on their first day atleast not when your in hiding. Taekwoon uncle had given his sweat and tears to get her a seat here, so no chance of losing this seat and she kept mum like she never heard them.

“How did you seduce Jungkook and Jimin by just looking at them, huh? she makes me shiver with anger” one girl spoke.
Just then another girl came up and squatted beside kayei, pulled her tie out and winded it around her own neck like a scarf while the other one pickpocketed the ID card from her shirt.

“Choi Rijin! Look at that name, I won’t even name my dog like this… hahaaaa”

All the four laughed loudly when a voice took over them,
“atleast she doesn't need a dog when there are four of you” Jimin walked from behind giving them a death glare.

The other two who had snatched her things threw it on her and suddenly acted cute to him.

“Ohh Jimminie! No! we were not bullying her or anything, we just wanted to make friends with her. Your mistaken” one girl cringed.

He smirked, “really? Then do me a favor, leave her alone” he glared making them show faces and walked away scoffing.

He sat beside her and picked up her card and tie,
“Are you okay? Sorry about them, they’re always like that to new students” he gave her the things.

She took the card and tucked it inside her pocket,
“Students? Looked like only new girl students were their target to me” kayei commented looking down.

She was about to snatch her tie from him but he held back and put it around her neck tying the knot, face so up close making her question his unrealistic appearance.

“Are you really concerned about me” she asked.

“Huh?” he paused tying “Nah nothing like that” he smiled.


“Im just being a gentleman to my best friend” he winked

She smiled at him “best friend!?”

He nodded widely and cupped his cheeks cutely. She smiled and pushed him away as they both giggled.

Jungkook was having lunch in the cafeteria, he placed a few steaks on his plate and went over for the kimchi. The tray was empty so he pouted and looked around, that’s when he spotted Rijin sitting on the third table having her food with Jimin.

He immediately sprang on his feet and took the chair opposite hers.
“can I borrow some kimchi” he asked her.

Jimin wondered what he was thinking, why was he after Rijin? He stared at him as he exchanged puzzled looks with rijin.

“Oh…Uh” she dragged away avoiding it as much as she could but he already shot his chopsticks straight into her bowl of kimchi and began munching on it.
Jimin’s eyes widened in shock at his reckless behaviour but he remained silent after seeing Rijin gesture him a NO, and the two continued to eat while staring at him with utmost annoyance.



It was late that evening when the news was loud enough for the neighbours to hear. It said something about the gold mine increasing its productivity by a ten times but that wasn’t important as it was mixed up with the same country melody that he preferred when it was boring.

He was repairing the ceiling light in his house as the TV kept screaming at its accord.

The news then swapped with the one of a missing beauty.

She was the most fascinating athletes of all time. Her all time record has surpassed the great champion Williams. She was a famous Korean athlete known for her beautiful skin and looks, any man who met her personally would not fail to fall for her.
But it was a very disturbing news when her missing case was filed by her manager few days ago

He stopped working abruptly when the news was heard. He got down his step ladder and turned down the music volume and increased the TV's. He was keenly observing the facts and evidences gathered in this case which was being listed by the commissioner of police.

He stated that-

This was indeed a very heavy responsibility on us. We never once imagined that this kidnapper would get hold of such a famous celebrity.
Here are the evidences we have gathered so far,
The last she was seen was near the gamezo sports club academy near cheongdon. She was wearing something in black and had a black backpack on her. She had come there for training so she even had a pair of dumbbells and some skipping ropes inside her bag.
Her phone had the managers call in the latest record and so we have taken him into custody in suspicion. We are still investigating and soon we will fi

He turned it off and let out a huge sigh,

“Always they say they’ll find out but none of them even realised that those women were not kidnapped but murdered. Fools” he mumbled as he took the spanner and the cutting pliers to his store room.

Within it, was another door that was kept locked with a key. He opened it and placed the cutting plier on the table beside a huge table in the centre. A body was on the table.
It looked like a woman’s body wearing black. Her neck was tied with a skipping rope and in turn tied to her hands and feet all together.
She barely seemed alive except her chest movements made it evident of her life.

“How are you my beautiful lady”  he hissed as he went over to the sink near the corner and wore a pair of gloves in his hand.

She didn’t seem to respond, maybe unconscious or no one knows, even dead.
He walked near her and slowly tracked her whole body with his finger. He drove his index from her head to her toe and giggled sarcastically.

“The most beautiful athlete of all times, the wonderful stunning celebrity of all times Now. Lies. In. My. Hands.”

He took the cutting plier and placed chipped marks on her bare skin. He pulled out the hair from her head and dropped it inside a bottle of liquid.

He then disrobed her from behind and scarred something on her skin with the screw driver,

I’m the beautiful athlete, this is how beautiful I was

He then laughed maniacally and fell to a hug on her,

“I loved you so much, you were my only soul love. That’s why I had to send you off this specially, you’ll remember this” he smirked and poured a huge jar of acid on her whole body making it burn to smokes right in front of his eyes.

He laughed again and waited until she drained into the sink as burned ashes.

He washed off her remains in the drain, picked up the skipping rope and the bottle with her hair in it. Walking to the room outside he placed it on the rack beside the bag from the previous murder and kissed it.

"Love you darling, have a safe journey... Down the drain"

He laughed again and left the room quietly after switching off the light, like none of this happened.

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now