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He shut the door after him furiously and hurried to his bed panting in rage.
That’s when his gaze fell on the locket that laid down, open into half with a photo in each half.

Was it open?

He picked it up and glared at the photos, two kids, innocent and naïve smiling happily to the camera were pictured. Not even little he could recognise it as someone familiar. Wondering who they could be or how they were related to the kidnapper he lied on his bed back flat.

Cling cling

His phone clinked, he opened to read the message sent by the man who gathered information about the locket.

This was an edition from around 15 years ago and since then it wasn’t ordered. So currently according to the records there are only two of those in the entire city.

‘Two??’ he suspected
‘then who has the other? Which one of them is the murderer? Who is the other person?’

Meanwhile at the crime branch, Ravi received a tip from his spy about the missing girl who disappeared first. Immediately the four shot off to research the area.

Namjoon and Jin volunteered to dig up the ground beside the street wherever they found it suspicious. Hoseok stood holding the torch since the dawn had already broken down. Ravi was busy padding his foot all over the area and around to see if he could make out some loose soil.

Jin suddenly squeaked in terror making everyone jump.


Hoseok was startled, “what? What? What is it??”

"A grasshopper!!!" he closed his eyes and pointed at the green insect sitting on his shoe.

Hoseok sighed and shook his head after pushing it off giving him an annoyed stare.

"What! I'm seriously saying he looked dangerous" Jin whined as hoseok glared at him.

After what seemed like a few minutes, Jin yelled again.


"Now what, a cockroach? Lizard?" Namjoon ask irritated but realised he wasn't joking after seeing his expression.

Ravi ran to them and peeked when Namjoon flashed his light to where Jin pointed.

“Oh my god!” Ravi gasped.

A human hand was dangling out of the soil by the side of the pit they dug out. Only a hand and nothing else was visible, neither a body nor any clue.

Ravi quickly jumped inside where Namjoon was pulled away by Jin. He touched the cold hand with his gloved fingers and tried to track the hand back inside the soil to see if it was still a part of the whole body.

“GUYS!! Dig it up!! NOW!!” he yelled making Jin and Namjoon work quickly while Hosoek kept the scene lit, only now, he was trembling in fear.

After an hour of digging they recovered a whole body of a girl within. Her dress looked torn and decomposed while her skin rotten. It was dismembered and the smell was intolerably gruesome.

Hoseok felt nauseous and moved away while Jin and Namjoon looked at helplessly. Ravi caught Namjoon's shoulder and breathed,

“Call them”


“Looks like we are running out of stock for food” Jimin spoke as he dug out the last egg from the carton.

“I'll need some coffee, it was the last spoon this morning. I feel like I’ll get PTSD if I don’t drink one” Jungkook came complaining.

Rijin was watching them crib from the hall and suddenly thought of an idea,
“Why don’t you guys go on a shopping date”

“A what?” Jimin exclaimed and Jungkook stood puzzled with his usual blank expression.

“A shopping date” she said and took the egg from Jimin.

“Okay I’m in” Jungkook smiled excitedly and clapped his hands.

Jimin shot him an annoyed stare and looked back at her, “Rijin I’m sorry, but I don’t want any date right now, it’s not safe for you to leave the house in this situation”

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Jimin shot him an annoyed stare and looked back at her,
“Rijin I’m sorry, but I don’t want any date right now, it’s not safe for you to leave the house in this situation”

Jimin shot him an annoyed stare and looked back at her, “Rijin I’m sorry, but I don’t want any date right now, it’s not safe for you to leave the house in this situation”

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“Uh huh huh, the date is not with you & me or with me & Jungkook, its for you and Jungkook” she interrupted and smiled big.

Both their faces froze in shock,

“with him??!
“with him!!?”

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now