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Namjoon stood holding the gun with both his hands trying to make it steady in panic.

"OPAAAAAA!" Jaeji bellowed in shock and ran to her dying brother as tears wetted her cheeks.

"Oppa! No no... Wake up... Why? Why did you have to do all this!?" she weeped holding his head in her arms.

Just when his last breath was about to leave him, he looked at her in the eye and smiled,
"sorry"  he whispered and soon became as pale as ice.

Ravi and Jin ran to Jaeji and Jungkook who were now holding their dear ones, almost dead in their arms.

Immediately they called the ambulance and rounded up the area with more security.

For a fight that went on for years this wasn't how this was supposed to end. All he ever tried to do was to cover up for his friend's mistakes and sins. Though he failed as a brother, he did all in his power to hide his friend's true identity. For someone like Jimin, who yearned for love, it had been there with him all while but he never realised and it's all in the past now.

####At the hospital####

"Excuse me! May I know who's the attender of Ms. Choi R. ijin?" the doctor asked.

Jungkook was bandaged all over his leg and his head too. He stood up as soon as the doctor called for.

"Yes its me. How is she doctor?"

"She's fine, stable. Only her conscious is lost because of the injuries to the head. You must be thankful to the police department. They brought you all in time or it would have been too late" doctor replied.

Jungkook nodded in silence.

"Can I see her" he asked just when the doctor was about to leave.

"Yeah go ahead. But she won't respond. So don't get disappointed. We're expecting her conscious to return in less than a day"

Jungkook bowed humbly and looked at Jaeji who was now seated silently ever since they came to the hospital. She was too calm for someone who'd lost her brother. Maybe she's just overwhelmed or simply not accepted the truth yet.

He knew how she felt to lose one dearest person for another. He sympathised with her.

Just then another doctor came up to them,
"may I know who is the relative of Mr. Park Jimin"

Jungkook looked at her but she kept mum, so he began but was interrupted
"uh... Its-"

"Yeah tell me doctor, it's me, Lee Jaeji. How is he?" She got up to stand.

Jungkook pursed his lips and felt relieved that she responded.

"Mam his external injuries are not very grave but his mental condition... Its bad" the doctor told sadly.

"How bad is it?" she asked, her lips quivered and she looked more pale herself.
"Mam you're a doctor yourself, you must be knowing that his chances of survival after such a fluctuating brain impulse is bleak"

She pursed her lips, Jungkook wanted to hear about Jimin's condition so he paused where he stood, listening to them.

"What do you think is his condition right now" she asked with the least confidence in her voice.

"I shall say its only a 20 percent. His brain and their signals have been completely deflected because of his multiple personality fluctuations. That one episode of back and forth switching has exhausted all the chemicals in his head and he was deprived of the important chemicals for around an hour until you brought him here" the doctor handed her the lab reports "it's not a good sign though, I can't guarantee he has been healed either"

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now