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"What's happening?!" Jimin yelled trying to see through the mist.

Jungkook had no idea either, he only took this chance to free himself from the knife stab on his leg that had him grounded.

In no time the gas dispersed and things began to look clear again, that's when Jimin could see the reason behind all this.

"YOU?!?" he shrieked in shock.

She now held a knife near Taehyung's neck and locked his hands behind with the other.

"One more wrong move and he dies" she threatened them.

"Jaeji!!" Jimin exclaimed in panic while Taehyung struggled in her grip trying to free himself from the knife point.

"Don't move oppa, I won't hesitate another minute if you try something stupid" she quivered but was courageous "enough of all this"

Rijin could hear their voices but barely see for the drowsiness after the hit. She could recognise Jaeji's voice.

"why is... She here... She is... Gonna hurt...herself"

"How stupid, did you think I will stop doing what I was doing if you took Taehyung captive?" Jimin smirked and walked towards her, casually tapping the iron rod on his thigh.

Jaeji stood determinedly touching the knife to his throat.

Jimin knew she wouldn't kill her own brother so he took advantage of her weakness.

"How sad, you are going to lose your friend, your brother and probably your love...? Am I right?"

Her eyes widened at his declaration.


"I could feel your love for Jimin, you tried to cover up for him and save him despite knowing everything about him didn't you?"

Jungkook looked at her shocked and Rijin could not believe what she heard.

"You knew it all this while?!" Jungkook exclaimed looking at her in disbelief.

She lowered her head in guilt and pursed her lips.
"I'm sorry" she mumbled.

"But now I shall not make a mistake of repeating what I did then. I have come to save Rijin and not you" she said looking at Jimin, who stood smiling.

He didn't expect this answer from her, but hid his disappointment and smiled again, only this time he looked infuriated.

"Then let me show you how to kill someone without touching them"

She stepped back pulling Taehyung along but her hands trembled in fear.

Jimin pulled out a knife from the tool set and slit hugely across his own forearm. Jaeji gulped down knowing what he was up to but didn't budge a little.

Taehyung flinched at his impulsiveness, he glared through his hair but hid it all to make it seem like he planned everything.

"Hmm - So you didn't come here for Jimin?! I thought you were beginning to grow fond of him? Is it not? You don't like him huh? Then why bother... Even if I kill him"

"You can't kill him because if you kill him then you kill yourself" she said, holding the knife steady under her brother's neck.

"Really? Then how about injuring him until he can never get up on his own or rather scar him for life" he smirked.

He then slowly placed the knife on his forehead and began to mark a cross on his face, wounding it gravely.

She flinched and immediately yelled out of control,
"STOP!! STOP IT!! Your hurting him" Letting go of Taehyung.

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now