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He stared at her with utmost concern but she didn’t even look at him in the eye.

“Do you understand the seriousness of this situation Sung Kayei?”  taekwoon's low voice spoke.

“Nothing is going to happen well anyway" She scoffed.

“KAYEI!! We can. We can make things happen if we want to” he banged the table hard.

She kept staring at the floor until he stood up and walked to and fro in distress,
“I know I know”  he sighed “it’s not your fault that your mom died, but you should be knowing that the entire world thinks you killed her”

A small tear escaped her eye, she sniffed in the pain and sorrow and looked up at him,
“how do I prove my innocence” her voice began to crack “I lost my mom, she was my only family then how could I possibly kill her? I’m done with this life I’m done with everyone”

“Kayei” he patted her shoulder when her weeping became louder “I know your innocent, but I can’t let your future be cramped in the hands of these wacks who go around spreading rumors. If you consider me your well wisher then please do as I say”

Jung Taekwoon was a brave man and the best friend of kayei’s mom, his field name was Leo. He was a huge business partner with kayei’s mom and witnessed her death himself. Which was one of the reasons he knew that she didn’t kill her mom. He even saved a 5 year old kayei from the fire that killed her mom. Kayei was traumatized because of the incident so she lived under his shelter for 15 years and did her schooling in a village far off from busan which was her home.

She nodded “what do you want me to do”

She has always listened to him because he was the only hope left for her lonely life. Since her mom’s death she had faced so many dangers from their company rivals and that made her more brave and talented in everything yet emotionally weak for affection. Yet her dreams of becoming a forensic specialist so she seeked the help of taekwoon for that.
He smiled and sat back in his chair,
“I need you to forget your name”

"My name??”

“Yes, your name, you will not be called as Sung kayei anymore”


“Your Choi Rijin” he declared and pulled out a few papers to spread it out on the table in front of her.

“These are the identity proofs that you are choi rijin. You’ll be joining the busan forensics institute with this name and identity. I don’t want any ears to hear about your real name or real identity. Clear??” his authoritative voice echoed.

“Yes thank you so much Taekwoon uncle” she hugged him and he patted her head.



The name board hung big and above the huge building. It was as high as the trees rooted beside it.
Dressed very formally she wore a small bag and some comfortable shoes to her first day in the University. Her hair tied up into a high pony tail and her phone in one hand. She happily walked to the entrance and into the atria, but in the excitement she overlooked the step in front of her and twisted her leg while her body swayed sideways. She was about to fall on her face flat but an arm held her back.

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now