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He looked at her sleep on her bed, tired, exhausted and drained out. She never looked like this before, Atleast until he knew her. He was sitting beside her and watching her over since he brought her.



"kookie! Wait!" she called running after him. He ran even faster laughing loudly, teasing her.
"kayei! Your slow! Quick catch me if you can" he said and ran far.
Suddenly it grew quiet behind him so he stopped and looked around.
"Kayei! Kayei where did you go!" he called for her but it was silent.
Just then a huge blow striked him from behind and squeezed him under its grip. He choked and clapped the ground to accept defeat.
She got up from him laughing and clapping happily, he sat and smiled at her.
"Aren't you too heavy for a 6 year old girl" he asked rubbing his back and smiling lightly.
She widened her eyes and grabbed his hair,
"and this is a 10year old uncle talking to to me" she smirked.
Both smiled and played on the ground, just when a huge hand grabbed her collar and threw her away making her roll over and tumble.

"kayei!!" he yelled and sprang to lift her but his dad held him back.

"you shall not play with her. Understand!" he growled and pulled him but kookie resisted and slid his hand out of his grip.

"No, I'm not leaving kayei anywhere, she is my friend and I like her" adamantly he snapped and glared right back at him.

"how dare you say no to your father!" he slapped him and grabbed his shoulder harshly,
"that girl was never your friend and will never be too. Forget about her right this moment and walk with me"

"No sung kayei is my friend" he said tears bagging in his eyes and voice quivering, "I will be with her"

"if you don't come now then ill kill her along with her arrogant mom" his dad threatened him and pulled him away. It was a heavy threat to take for a mere ten year old so he sloppily took his first steps away from her.

She watched them argue but it wasn't understandable. Nothing was. She only knew that she had done something wrong so his dad took him away from her but nothing really came to light in her tiny brains.

Memories screened like a movie reminiscing all the past happiness that sunk inside a black hole before he could realise it.

He teared out as he held her hand and kissed it. Her hands twitched for his kiss but her conscious was still lost deep. Just then he heard the entrance door slam open downstairs and the voice echoed as the man bashed in.

"RIJIN!! CHOI RIJIN!!" he entered calling her name.

Jungkook for once knew who it was,

Park jimin

He went downstairs and was startled when he saw his condition. He looked all puffy eyed, half crying, nose red and bleeding and limping his way to the hall.

"What happened to you" Jungkook asked holding a puzzled expression.

"I tripped when I was running back, where's Rijin, I want to see her now" he snapped and walked forward but Jungkook pushed him back with a hand on his chest.

"No. Your not going"


"She's fine for now, you can see her later" he replied oblivious.

Jimin glared at him and back at his hand that was stopping him. Fiercely thrusting he stepped ahead.

"I see her when I want to see, no one stops me" he yanked his hands off him and strolled upstairs.

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now