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He was still tied to the chair but now the chair was on the floor with him. He must have tried to move and fallen to the ground.

'Isn't this the guy who tried to kill me? Why is he here? Don't tell me they caught him to beat him up' her eyes widened and she cautiously spied him for a while. He laid like that for a few minutes now, seemed too tired and wounded. She couldn't help noticing that he was in need of something and considering the way he was beat up he can't be harm she assumed.

'Aiee he won't do anything when he's tied right? Maybe I can help him with some water' she decided and turned the knob but it didn't slide.

'Oh no its locked' she realised.

Just then,
"Hey! What do you think your doing?" Jimin's voice echoed down the basement stairs startling her.

"Ohh Jimin-ah your back" she faked a smile and climbed up hastily

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"Ohh Jimin-ah your back" she faked a smile and climbed up hastily.

"Yes I'm back to see you don't do anything stupid" he scolded and dragged her into his room.

"No I wasn't gonna do anything, I only heard a noise from there so I went to check, nothing else. Believe me" she defended with puppy clear eyes.

He kinda fell for that look and nodded a 'It's okay'
"But dont go there again without telling me okay?" He threatened her and received an obedient nod from her.

"Is it the kidnapper?" she asked eyeing the basement door.

Jimin glared at her and shook his head, "no he's just a burglar whom we caught"

"What happened to the guy who tried to kidnap me today?"

"He... ran away" Jimin lied walking forward trying to hide his face from her.

"What happened at the digging area" she asked.

"That they... wait a minute! How do you know we went there?" he asked

"Oh ... uh... I actually texted jungkook" she replied instantly.

"You guys text each other?" he said raising his brows.

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DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now