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It was semester ending and exams were nearing. Everyone were swimming in books and studying, everywhere in the college.

“Hey its not 36 hrs, it’s 24hrs, I studied this yesterday” he corrected her.

She denied and argued, “I just saw it Jimin, it’s 36hrs for sure”

He pursed his lips, “okay shall we check it with Taehyung?”

“Who?” she asked

“He’s my friend, he’s a biochemist and don’t even doubt his genius brains, he’ll always be correct” he said proudly.

“Yeah okay, I’m fine unless it proves that I’m right” she accepted.

He immediately called Taehyung on phone and put it on speaker for her to hear too. But once it rang his recorded voice spoke,

Hi this is Taehyung, I know this call isn't as important, so please leave a message if you need to talk to me cause I’m busy right now, thank you

Jimin pouted and she shrugged her shoulders.

“Fine let’s go meet him personally today evening. He’ll tell you the answers you want, anyways you haven’t met him before right. Interesting person he is” Jimin offered and she nodded in response.

Later that evening they both went out to Taehyung’s house to meet him as Jimin had promised.

“Did you read that new web series which got released yesterday” she asked tucking her hand inside her pockets.

“Hmm? Which one?” he asked looking through the hangings of his binny.

“My first love” she breathed “it’s really good you know”

“ohh yeah you were telling this last week, right? I should read, I’m not really into reading web novels you see” he grinned.

She shivered a little and tightened her coat ties to keep warm. He noticed her and looked around here and there.

“What is it?” she asked

“Your feeling cold right, come there, at the turning of this street there’s a coffee shop and they serve really hot”

She nodded, “God you know this place really well”

“I’m smart my dear, you’re the only soul in this world that doesn’t believe that fact” he flipped his hair with pride.

"Still....remembering street names like so  accurately is beyond human" She praised as they both giggled and went over to the shop.

As they sipped in the hot coffee she felt she was getting better. The heat radiated to every part of her body and she felt alive finally.

“Yeah tell me about that web novel” he asked as he sipped into his cup.

“It’s about a murderer who kills his own love because of a medical condition he suffers. He's a psychopath and he kills her gruesomely”

"Uh" Jimin's expression changed to a disgust "what kind of a man does that?How can someone kill their love even if he is insane, that’s so bad” he empathised like as if he was the character in the novel, "and why are you watching such things. Stop watching it. Doesn't sound pleasing"
He adviced her.

“Hey are you taking it seriously? Jimin! Come on its just fiction, no one can do that in real life” she assured him and realised how emotionally weak he was.

He was only strong to see from the outside but was such a weakling from within.
‘oh dear god save Jimin’s soul, its too pure’ she prayed to herself and sipped in her coffee eyeing him affectionately.

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now